View selection behavior


The view selection behavior in PIM Desktop is based on the Eclipse Workbench selection behavior.The difference is that in PIM Desktop each view always notifies it's selection independent of whether the view is active or not (an active view has the focus). See also Improved selection behavior for more details.

Selection types

There are different selection types dependent on the kind of the selection.

Hidden selection

If a view goes hidden or is closed, it notifies a hidden selection. It is necessary for all other views which are currently showing the result of the selection of the view which goes hidden.

User-triggered selection

A user-triggered selection is a result of a user action (e.g. a double-click on a catalog or using of the menu entry "Show items"). Especially for the catalog selection there is a different whether the catalog was selected active by the user or it was selected automatically (e.g. on a perspective switch). On a user-triggered catalog selection the selection receiver (e.g. the item view) reload their content for the selected catalog completely. Against this on a default catalog selection (e.g. if the context selection view becomes the focus) the cached list model of the last catalog selection will be shown again (no report query at this point is necessary).

Default selection

All other selections are default selections.