Copy Structure Values

Copy structure values

The basic idea of the Request Handler handling the copying of the structure values is to

  • search if a single structure value already exists in the target structure

  • if not copy the structure value

  • return the mapping of structure value proxy in the source structure to the structure value proxy in the target structure (to be able to substitute these proxies in further processes like the copy of structure groups)


When is the given structure value considered to already exist in the target structure?

A structureValue is considered already existing if

  1. a structureValue with the same identifier exists in the target structure and

  2. the structureValue in the target structure has no names different to the names of the source structure value
    (if the source or the target structureValue have names which the other one doesn't have, that's ok).
    Note: Missing entries will be added in the target structureValue


A structure value in the source structure has

  • Identifier: XYZ

  • Name (de) Grün

  • Name (en) green

and will be copied in on of the following target structures

Target Structure

StructureValue Identifier

StructureValue Name(de)

StructureValue Name(en)

What to do?

Structure A




create new structure value
add proxies to result map

Structure B



<something else>
light green

create new structure value
add proxies to result map

Structure C




do nothing

Structure D



<something else>

create new structure value
add proxies to result map

Structure E




create new structure value
add proxies to result map

Structure F




add english name to existing structure value

Structure G




add names to existing structure value

Creating the copy

For copying the structure value createItemDataGraph() and createItem() of the structureValueManager is used together with the StructureEDataObjectCopyService.

This means all field values except id, identifier, structureProxy, deletionDate and logs are copied.

The new identifier

Compared to PIM 7 the creation of the identifier for a new structure value changed.

If the identifier of the source structure value isn't already taken in the target structure, the copy will get the identifier of the source structure value.

Otherwise it will get a new identifier. A new identifier will have the format: <generatedId>_<identifier of the source structure value>. This identifier will be cut on the right hand side to fit the max length of the identifier field.