Supplier Portal I18n


Since PIM 7.1

PIM Supplier Portal is able to handle users with different UI languages. Users can change their language on the login page.

The available list of languages is restricted by two factors:

  • Language packs being installed

  • PIM license stored in PIM Server

The last recently language is stored in a Browser cookie. Also, a locale can be specified using a query parameter, e.g. http://localhost:9090/hsx/html/login.html?locale=de_DE.

Install Additional Language Pack

This functionality is available as of PIM 7.1.

Administrators can configure where language packs are loaded from. This is done with the following two parameters in file:

# Spring resource path pointing the message property files for the UI
# This is a SPRING resource path, more information:
# Use this pattern to pick up files from configuration area:
# file:${hsx.configurationArea}/i18n/ui/**/*
# Spring resource path pointing the message property files for the Server/Backend
# This is a SPRING resource path, more information:
# Use this pattern to pick up files from configuration area:
# file:${hsx.configurationArea}/i18n/server/**/*

Per default, all property files are loaded from within the WAR file. By using the option beginning with file:* any location on the local disc can be specified. For convenience, the Supplier Portal binary already contains a full set of all available languages in the directory <Installation_Root>/configuration/i18n.

To add another language, make sure to provide translated property files next to the existing files within the configured directory structure.

As all property files are stored in the given directory structure, changing the existing texts for the standard language is possible, too. Please make sure to keep track of all changes to smoothen migration when applying a new hotfix, e.g. in SVN.