GDSN Migration Guide from B2B to OpenAS2

This page describes the migration of the Standard GDSN Data Source scenario.

Export template migration

All export templates

File split

In older versions, data transformations in B2B Data Exchange split the files in packages of a certain number of documents the pool can handle. Using OpenAS2 this is now done by a post export step.

Please see Export/File split on how to customize it.

Copy to hotfolder

The exported files will now be sent to the pool by OpenAS2. This means the export template has to be adjusted to copy the exported files to the OpenAS2 hotfolder instead of the B2B DX ones.

Please see Export/Connection to OpenAS2 on how to change the used hotfolder.


Hierarchies for DSE

In older versions, B2B Data Exchange was used to create hierarchies of items. Using OpenAS2 this is now done by a post export step.

Please see Export/DSE Hierarchies for more information.

Changed content

Changes in CIN_CatalogItemNotification were needed to comply with the standard XSD files.

Module: Header

The complete content of the Header module of the provided export template should be used.

Module: Items

Lines 1 to 2 were replaced by new lines 1 to 27:

Changes in Items module (1)
<entityIdentification>tran_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}_{?DatasetCounter}</entityIdentification>
<gln>{%Information provider GLN}</gln>
<documentCommandHeader type="{%Operation (ADD, CHANGE_BY_REFRESH or CORRECT)}">
<entityIdentification>cmd_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}_{?DatasetCounter}</entityIdentification>
<gln>{%Information provider GLN}</gln>
<creationDateTime>{?FormatDate {?GetDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd"}T{?FormatTime {?GetTime}, "HH:mm:ss"}</creationDateTime>
<entityIdentification>cin_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}_{?DatasetCounter}</entityIdentification>
<gln>{%Information provider GLN}</gln>

Lines 254 to 259 (last 6 lines) were replaced by new lines 279 to 282:

Changes in Items (2)

Module: Footer

The complete content of the Footer module of the provided export template should be used.


In addition to the changes for the new export post step to split the exported file which is described above there are changes to create unique identification values.

Module: Header

Line 3 was added, line 15 was changed

It is recommended to use the complete content of this module

Module: Header
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalogue_item_publication:catalogueItemPublicationMessage xmlns:catalogue_item_publication="urn:gs1:gdsn:catalogue_item_publication:xsd:3" xmlns:sh="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:gs1:gdsn:catalogue_item_publication:xsd:3">
{?ValueSet "globalIdentifier", {?FormatDate {?GetDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd"}_{?FormatTime {?GetTime}, "HH:mm:ss.SSS"}}
<sh:Identifier Authority="GS1">{%Information provider GLN}</sh:Identifier>
<sh:Identifier Authority="GS1">{%Recipient GLN (data pool)}</sh:Identifier>
<sh:InstanceIdentifier>CIP_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}</sh:InstanceIdentifier>
<sh:CreationDateAndTime>{?FormatDate {?GetDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd"}T{?FormatTime {?GetTime}, "HH:mm:ss"}</sh:CreationDateAndTime>

Module: Publication status DSE

Line 1 was added, lines 4, 12 and 23 were changed

Module: Publication status DSE
{?NumberIncrement "counter"}
<entityIdentification>cip_tran_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}_{?NumberGet "counter"}</entityIdentification>
<gln>{&GDSN 1WS DSE Publication.Information provider.GLN}</gln>
<documentCommandHeader type="{?EnumerationKey {&GDSN 1WS DSE Publication.Publication operation}}">
<entityIdentification>cip_cmd_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}_{?NumberGet "counter"}</entityIdentification>
<gln>{&GDSN 1WS DSE Publication.Information provider.GLN}</gln>
<creationDateTime>{?FormatDate {?GetDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd"}T{?FormatTime {?GetTime}, "HH:mm:ss"}</creationDateTime>
<entityIdentification>cip_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}_{?NumberGet "counter"}</entityIdentification>
<gln>{&GDSN 1WS DSE Publication.Information provider.GLN}</gln>


In addition to the changes for the new export post step to split the exported file which is described above there are changes to create unique identification values.

Module: Header

Line 3 was added, line 15 was changed

It is recommended to use the complete content of this module

Module: Header
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalogue_item_hierarchical_withdrawal:catalogueItemHierarchicalWithdrawalMessage xmlns:catalogue_item_hierarchical_withdrawal="urn:gs1:gdsn:catalogue_item_hierarchical_withdrawal:xsd:3" xmlns:sh="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:gs1:gdsn:catalogue_item_hierarchical_withdrawal:xsd:3">
{?ValueSet "globalIdentifier", {?FormatDate {?GetDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd"}_{?FormatTime {?GetTime}, "HH:mm:ss.SSS"}}
<sh:Identifier Authority="GS1">{%Information provider GLN}</sh:Identifier>
<sh:Identifier Authority="GS1">{%Recipient GLN (data pool)}</sh:Identifier>
<sh:InstanceIdentifier>CIPHW_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}</sh:InstanceIdentifier>
<sh:CreationDateAndTime>{?FormatDate {?GetDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd"}T{?FormatTime {?GetTime}, "HH:mm:ss"}</sh:CreationDateAndTime>

Module: Publication withdrawal

Line 1 was added, lines 4, 12 and 23 were changed

Module: Publication withdrawal
{?NumberIncrement "counter"}
<entityIdentification>ciphw_tran_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}_{?NumberGet "counter"}</entityIdentification>
<gln>{%Information provider GLN}</gln>
<documentCommandHeader type="DELETE">
<entityIdentification>ciphw_cmd_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}_{?NumberGet "counter"}</entityIdentification>
<gln>{%Information provider GLN}</gln>
<creationDateTime>{?FormatDate {?GetDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd"}T{?FormatTime {?GetTime}, "HH:mm:ss"}</creationDateTime>
<entityIdentification>ciphw_{?ValueGet "globalIdentifier"}_{?NumberGet "counter"}</entityIdentification>