GDSN Implementation Guidelines


The scope of the GDSN implementation guidelines is to support adjustments of the provided GDSN Accelerator. This includes detailed technical instructions as well as things to consider. Furthermore it contains a list of things you need to clarify as a prerequisite, information about best practices when testing and information what to consider and think about if a different data pool should be supported.

To be able to use the GDSN implementation guidelines you need to have the following technical skills:

  • You have a general understanding of GDSN.

  • You are familiar with the Product 360 repository and you know about the available properties of the objects.

  • You are able to create Product 360 import mappings and know how to use different import functionalities.

  • You are able to export Product 360 data and know how to format the data correctly by using export functions.

  • You are able to write Data Quality rules. (Optional, only needed if no standard DQ rule fits your needs.)

  • You are able to configure Data Quality checks. (Optional)

If you use B2B solution

  • You have basic knowledge of B2B Data Exchange

  • You have basic knowledge of Informatica PowerCenter

In addition the requirements for the needed GDSN attributes of your customer should be defined.


This documentation refers to already existing Product 360 documentation. Therefore you should have following documentation nearby:

  • Previous chapters of GDSN Accelerator documentation

  • Product 360 documents, which can be found at the Informatica partner webspace, especially the "Informatica MDM - Product 360 - <Version> - Knowledgebase, Installation and"

  • Product 360 User Manual, which is part of the Product 360 delivery

  • Data Quality documents, which are part of the Data Quality delivery

Furthermore this documentation refers to external documentation provided by your GDSN certified data pool. This includes documentation about

  • the GDSN attributes (name, data type, description, valid value lists,...)

  • valid value lists and their entries

  • validations

  • structure of the files used in the communication (if applicable)

The used documentations in this guideline are mentioned at the beginning of each chapter.