GDSN Accelerator FAQ


Q: Do I need to take care on anything when I want to shut down Product 360?

A: Yes. If you need to shut down the Product 360 server for any reason (e.g. maintenance), it’s advisable to also stop the PowerCenter workflows for GDSN. This is mainly due to the fact that you can still receive messages like CIC from the 1WorldSync datapool which will lead to a Service API call to Product 360 which will be created by the GDSN workflow. Hence all events with the “PIM update failed” status during the Product 360 downtime have to be reprocessed manually in the B2B DX web UI in case the PowerCenter workflows are still running. To avoid this manual step, stop the PowerCenter workflows before you shut down the Product 360 server and start them again after the Product 360 server is running again.

Q: Can I also send items to the GDSN pool from a supplier catalog?

A: This is theoretically possible but not recommended. The master catalog should contain the "golden" data which is send to the GDSN pool.

Q: What does the event status "PIM Update Failed" in the B2B Data Exchange mean?


A: This means that the writing of the publication status in Product 360 wasn't successful. To evaluate what the problem was please click on the according Event ID and take a look in the "HTTP result report" file. You will find more information about the problem there.


In following example there is no customer in Product 360 which has the given GLN:


After adding the GLN to a customer please reprocess this message by selecting the event and choosing the action "Reprocess".


The preference automatedCustomerCreationEnabled can be used to create unknown customers automatically during the REST-API call to Product 360.

Q: What does a response message like "GDSN Numeric Rule ID 1281: The format of "Ingredient Sequence" must be ’dd.dd.dd…’. Where ’d’ must be a digit, always ending in a ’dd’ and never having a value of ’00’." mean?

A: This means the sent data is not valid regarding the validation which is done by the data pool. Usually the error message describes the deficiency in the data. You could add such a data check by a data quality rule configuration or a repository adjustment to ensure that you always send correct data.


Q: The export fails due to the error "... One of '{document}' is expected."


A: It can happen that there are no items in the generated XML file because no item passed the data quality checks or no item was passed to the export. If this case there will be no <document> tag generated in the XML which is leading to the above shown validation error. Despite to the fact that this is not very usable or obvious for an user, everything works correctly and the are no bad side effects. This behavior will be improved in a future Product 360 version.

Q: The export fails due to XSD error "...The value '' of attribute..."


A: If a generated XML file doesn't fit to the according GDSN XSD schema, an XSD validation error will occur. The above shown message indicates that no value was given for the attribute 'dataRecipientGLN' which is not valid regarding the 'glnType'. Therefore you need to open the "Customer" view and maintain the GLN for your customers.

Q: Not all of my items has been sent to the pool

A: Usually there is a data quality run before you send your data to the GDSN pool. If an item does not pass all data quality checks it will be filtered out and will not be sent to the GDSN pool. You can easily identify these items by navigating to the corresponding export log and select "Show objects" in the context menu of the corresponding log entry (see screenshot).


Q:Why does my GTIN differ in the exported file?

A: When your GTIN is less than 14 digits in Product360 while exporting,the GTIN will be automatically filled with leading 0's to match the GS1 criteria of 14 digit GTINs. It is strongly recommended to have 14 digit GTINs while working with Product360 GSDN Accelerator.

Otherwise there will be mapping issues between the CICs received from from the pool.

B2B Data Exchange

Q: Can the existing B2B and PowerCenter implementation support more than one GDSN data pool?

A: No. Only one GDSN data pool can be supported with the current B2B and PowerCenter implementation. Additional implementation effort is needed in B2B Data Exchange and PowerCenter.

Q: Where is the Http connection for the REST API between PowerCenter and PIM configured?

A: The Http connection is configured in Workflow Manager tool. In the Menu bar, go to Connections > Application, choose to edit the Http Transformation called http_set_status, which was created during the B2B Data Exchange GDSN Accelerator installation.


Q: How can we check if the messages are processed and sent\received to\from the data pool correctly?

A: We can check the status of the B2B Data Exchange processes in various ways.

B2B Data Exchange Operator Console is a Web UI tool that is used to administer, configure and manage B2B Data Exchange. DX event is a representation of a file at a particular stage of processing. The B2B Data Exchange server generates events as it processes the files, and it changes the status of the events as they go through the transformation process.

The image below shows the Event List page. You can monitor and perform certain actions on events. You can perform a basic or advanced search for events and view event details.

Another way to check if the files were processed successfully in PowerCenter is to check in Workflow Monitor tool:

  1. Are GDSN related workflows running:
    PowerCenter version 10.0, you can use Informatica MFT console to check if files were sent\received successfully to\from the data pool.

  2. Check the session log of the workflow and search for "ERROR" messages using the "Severity" column:


From PowerCenter version 10.0, you can use Informatica MFT console to check if files were sent\received successfully to\from the data pool.

  • Verify if a requested file is sent successfully. Therefore check if there are errors in the logs of the configured AS2 server.

  • Verify if there are errors in receiving a file. Therefore check the "Completed Jobs" logs.

Moved from Implementation Guidelines

Q: How do we add missing units of measurement to the GDSN unit system?

A: Open a ticket at the Informatica support. Informatica will provide a database script which adds the needed units.

Q: Why does the deletion of a subentity of "Article" doesn't work via Service API when using a reserve logical key as qualification filter?

A: When deleting a subentity, the used qualificationFilter arguments must not only unique in the entity path, it must be also unique of all subentities of the target entity. For example you want to delete all your ArticleIngredient objects which have a specific qualification, the statement could look like this:


The problem is that several logical keys are using "res_LK_Text100_01" as Object Name, to be exact the logical keys of entity ArticleIngredient and ArticleIngredientComponent. To prevent this define an Alias for your logical key. In case this is not solving your problem, please contact the Informatica support.