REST API Tutorial - List Write for Sub Entities

Writing on sub entity level is similar to writing on root entity level.


  • URL contains the identifier of the sub entity additionally to the root entity

  • Fields are not qualified

  • Qualification entry is required for each row


The attributes Length and Front Color are added to item A003

POST http://localhost:1501/rest/V1.0/list/Article/ArticleAttribute

Message body
"columns": [
"identifier": "ArticleAttribute.Datatype"
"identifier": "ArticleAttributeValue.Value"
"rows": [
"object": {
"id": "'A003'@'RestTutorial'"
"qualification": {
"name": "Length",
"language": "Language independent",
"identifier": "DEFAULT"
"values": [
"object": {
"id": "'A003'@'RestTutorial'"
"qualification": {
"name": "Front Color",
"language": "German",
"identifier": "DEFAULT"
"values": [
"Character string",
"object": {
"id": "'A003'@'RestTutorial'"
"qualification": {
"name": "Front Color",
"language": "English",
"identifier": "DEFAULT"
"values": [
"Character string",