Notification between Media Manager and PIM

All topics about the notification between Informatica Media Manager and PIM.

PIM supports the master asset business logic provided by PIM - Media Manager, this implies that PIM - Server must be informed about new or changed assets, derivatives and derivative schemas which are defined or created in the integrated PIM - Media Manager. Currently such change a notification is ensured by putting respective messages into its notification queues with Active MQ. After PIM - Server has collected or successfully consumed a notification, the notification is removed from the notification queue.

There are several notifications which can currently be processed by the PIM - Server. It is necessary that you check that the following notification queue events are configured in the module Workflow Manager of PIM - Media Manager.

  • Notifications from the queue heiler.hmm.backend.event

    • Changed derivative schema (name): The listener listens to the notification queue on the topic ModifyDerivativeSchema for a F_DERIVATE.DEV_ID which has to be a number (the number of the changed derivative schema id). The listener triggers only a change of the derivative schema name in the MediaAssetQualityEnumeration.

    • New derivative schema: The listener listens to the notification queue on the topic NewDerivativeSchema for a F_DERIVATE.DEV_ID which has to be a number (the number of the new created derivative schema id). The listener triggers

      1. an update of the MediaAssetQualityEnumeration with a new quality (derivative) schema.

      2. a creation of new media asset documents (for new deriviative) on all media asset attachments which contain a media asset document mapped with any master asset (e.g. originalimage), if the derivative of corresponding asset has already been created.

    • Delete derivative: Typically this notification is sent if the PIM - Media Manager module Pipeline has deleted a derivative. The PIM listener listens to the notification queue on the topic DeleteDerivative with the following properties:

      • a F_IMGKOMP.PKOM_PNR (the master asset identifier)

      • a F_DERIVATE.DEV_ID which has to be a number (the number of a derivative schema id)

      Then the listener triggers a deletion of all to PIM objects assigned media asset documents for the corresponding asset identifier and quality (derivative schema id).

  • Notifications from the queue heiler.hmm.backend.event.assignment

    • Assign document: The server job "AssignDocumentJob" picks the next message up from the notification queue, if it has the topic "AssignDocument" with following properties:

      • a F_IMGKOMP.PKOM_PNR which has to be a string (the identifier of the media asset)

      • a F_IMGKOMP.PIMG_SOURCE_FILENAME which has to be a string (the name of the media asset)

      • a F_IMGKOMP.PIMG_CATALOG_ID which has to be a string (the identifier of the catalog)

        Then the server job triggers

      1. the assignment of the corresponding master asset and all existing derivatives to the PIM object or resolution of the assigned file path. For more information please visit this page: Media Asset Auto Assignment and Auto Path Resolution

      2. by automatic path resolution: update the modificationTimestamp for the corresponding media asset documents, media assets and assigned objects (item, product and structure group). See also the notification AssetModified.

      3. refreshing the thumbnails for all views in the media asset area.

    • New derivative of a media asset: Typically this notification is sent if the PIM - Media Manager module Pipeline has rendered a derivative quality. The PIM - Server job AssignDocumentJob picks up the next message from the notification queue, if it has the topic NewDerivative with following properties

      • a F_IMGKOMP.PKOM_PNR which has to be a string (the master asset identifier).

      • a F_DERIVATE.DEV_ID which has to be a number (the number of a derivative schema id)

        Then the server job triggers the creation of a new media asset document (for a new derivative) on all media asset attachments which contain a media asset document mapped with the corresponding master asset (e.g. originalimage).

        Since PIM 8 the correct sequence of messages does not need to be ensured by the PIM - Media Manager module Workflow Manager, i.e. it is not necessary to always send a corresponding AssignDocument message before an NewDerivative message, because AssignDocument performs the assignment not only for the master asset, but also for all existing derivatives. For more detailed information please see this page: Assignment with derivatives.

  • Notifications from the queue heiler.hmm.backend.event.assetModified

    • Asset modified: The server job UpdateModifiedAssetJob picks up the next message from the notification queue, if it has the topic AssetModified with a property F_IMGKOMP.PKOM_PNR which has to be a string (the identifier of the changed media asset).
      The server job triggers

      1. the update of the modificationTimestamp for the corresponding media asset documents, media assets and assigned objects (items, products and structure groups). For more information please visit this page: Change information from media assets marking PIM objects

      2. the change notification for the corresponding media asset attachments, so that the Multimedia documents view can update the changed attributes.

      3. the change notification for the corresponding media asset files, so that the MediaAssetFile view and MediaAssetFile details form view can update the changed attributes.

      4. refreshing the thumbnails for all views in the media asset area.

The following table gives an overview of the notification handling.

Notification (message topic)

Message properties

Notification handling in PIM



Change derivative schema name in the MediaAssetQualityEnumeration.



  1. Add new quality (derivative) schema in MediaAssetQualityEnumeration.

  2. Assign corresponding derivative where any master asset is assigned (for all master assets if possible).




Delete all assignments for derivative.





  1. Automatic assignment (of master asset and all existing derivatives) or automatic path resolution: Media Asset Auto Assignment and Auto Path Resolution

  2. By automatic path resolution: Update the "modificationTimestamp" for the corresponding PIM objects. See also the notification AssetModified.

  3. Refresh thumbnails for all views in media asset area.




Assign derivative where the master asset is assigned.



  1. Update modificationTimestamp for the corresponding media asset documents, media assets and assigned objects (items, products and structure groups): Change information from media assets marking PIM objects

  2. Update the changed attributes in the multimedia documents view.

  3. Update the changed attributes for the MediaAssetFile view and the MediaAssetFile details form view.

  4. Refresh thumbnails for all views in the media asset area.