User Guide > Data Discovery > Primary Key Discovery

Primary Key Discovery

To discover possible keys in source tables, create a primary key profile.
To identify potential data quality issues, create a primary key profile that discovers non-unique rows. A primary key discovery profile is also useful when the primary key is a combination of columns that uniquely defines a row. Non-conforming rows might contain duplicate information. After you discover potential keys in a table, you can add the keys to the source table in a project.
For example, an Employee table contains an EmpID column. The value of the column is 100% unique. A primary key profile identifies the column as a possible primary key that you can add to the table in the project.

Primary Key Profile Options

When you run a primary key profile, the Data Integration Service infers primary key candidates from the source tables. To limit the candidate results, configure inference options.
A primary key profile identifies the columns and combinations of columns that meet a specific conformance level. You can edit the maximum number of columns to combine for unique key identification.
The following table describes the options for primary key profiles:
Primary Key Rows
The maximum number of columns that the profile can combine to form a primary key. Default is 3.
Max Rows
The maximum number of rows to profile. Default is 1,000.
Conformance Criteria
The minimum percentage or maximum number of key violations that the profile allows. Default is a minimum percentage of 99.