User Guide > Data Generation > Standard Generation Rules

Standard Generation Rules

A standard generation rule is a global rule that applies a system-defined generation technique. A standard generation rule has one output column.
When you create a standard generation rule, you select the generation technique. You can define one generation technique in a standard rule and you can apply the rule to one column at a time. You can apply the rule multiple times to different columns.
You can use standard generation techniques to generate string, numeric, date, and binary datatypes. The techniques vary based on the datatype.
For example, you create a standard generation rule with the random date technique to generate birth dates. You can assign the rule multiple times in a project to generate birth dates in more than one column or you can use the rule in multiple projects.

Creating a Standard Generation Rule

To create a standard generation rule, you choose a generation technique based on the data type and configure the generation parameters to apply the technique.
    1. Click Policies to access the Policies view.
    2. Click Actions > New > Generation Rule.
    The Rule Wizard appears.
    3. Enter a name and optional description for the rule.
    4. Select the data type of the column to apply the generation rule to.
    5. Select the standard generation rule.
    6. To enable users to override generation parameters for a rule, select Override Allowed.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Enter the generation parameters.
    Note: The parameters that appear depend on the Generation Technique that you select.
    9. Enter the exception test data options. Configure whether to allow null or empty spaces. Configure whether to generate data that is not valid.
    10. Click Finish.

Editing a Generation Rule

You can edit a global generation rule to change the rule parameters.
    1. Click Policies.
    2. Click the name of the generation rule that you want to edit.
    The rule opens in a tab.
    3. Click Edit.
    4. Edit the parameters that you want to change.
    5. To save the rule, click OK.
    If the generation rule has assignments, the Impacted Objects dialog box appears with the list of affected columns, plans, and data domains.
    6. To download the list of affected objects, click Export, and save the .csv file.
    7. To save the changes, click Continue.
    To update the changes in a plan, generate and run the plan again.

Overriding a Generation Rule

After you assign a generation rule to a column, you can override the rule properties for the column. You can override rule properties for global generation rules.
    1. Open a project and click Define > Data Generation.
    2. Select the column that you need to override the rule properties for.
    3. Click Actions > Override.
    The Generation Rule Override window appears.
    4. Update the values in the generation rule properties.
    5. Click Save for each column that you update.
    The Override column value shows Yes-Overridden for the column that you updated.

Deleting a Generation Rule

You can delete a global generation rule. If the rule has assignments, you must make changes to the plan, and generate and run the plan again.
    1. Click Policies.
    2. Click the box to the left of the generation rule that you want to delete.
    3. Click Actions > Delete.
    If the generation rule has no assignments, the Delete Generation Rule dialog box appears. If the generation rule has assignments, the Impacted Objects dialog box appears with the list of affected plans, columns, and data domains.
    4. To delete the generation rule that has no assignments, click OK.
    5. To delete the generation rule that contains assignments, click Continue. To download the list of affected objects, click Export, and save the .csv file.
    To update the changes in a plan, generate and run the plan again.