Test Data Warehouse Overview
Create a test data warehouse to create a central location that stores versions of test data. Multiple Test Data Manager services can access the same test data warehouse to create a central storage location across teams.
Create and manage the test data warehouse from Test Data Manager. To create a test data warehouse, you configure a test data repository and a test data mart.
Data is stored as data sets in the test data warehouse. The test data repository stores the metadata associated with the data set such as the plan information, version, and tag information. The test data mart stores the source data that you use to create the data set.
To return a test environment to a previous state, you can choose to restore a specific version of the data from the test data warehouse.
For example, before you run any test cases, you create a data set to store the original test data in the test data warehouse. You can create multiple versions of a data set to maintain different versions of the test data. After each team runs its tests and the data is modified, each team creates another version of the data set to store the modified test data. To return the test environment to its original state, you can restore the data set version that contains the original data. You can retrieve any of the other data set versions to return a test environment to a required state.