User Guide > Working with Test Data Warehouse > Data Sets

Data Sets

A data set is a collection of data that consists of one or more tables from a data source. Manage and store multiple versions of data sets in the test data mart.
Tables in a data set can be from a single data source or from multiple data sources. A data set generally corresponds to one or more test cases. You can create data sets based on the test cases that you want to run, and store them in the test data mart. You can create a data set from TDM when you perform one or more of the following tasks:
To create a data set, select the test data warehouse as the target when you create a plan. You can then add tags and other metadata information to the data set. Metadata includes the source table metadata and plan metadata. You can search the test data mart based on the metadata properties.
Run the plan to create the data set. You can create multiple versions of a data set. View the list of data sets and the properties in the Data Sets view.
To share data sets with other users in a domain, multiple machines that host a Test Data Manager Service can connect to a single test data mart. You can use a single test data mart to share and reuse data sets across teams and projects.
During the process of testing, test data might change. Test data can get corrupted. You can return a test environment to a specific previous state when you reset a data set version from the test data mart to the required connection.
For example, consider a situation where test teams run multiple test cases, or when multiple test teams work on an application. Store the original test data as a data set in the test data mart. When one test team completes testing, create another version of the data set with the modified test data. You can then reset the original test data from the test data mart to the test environment. You can reset any data set version to return the test environment to the required state.
Before you create a data set, you must configure the test data repository and the test data mart.