Persist Mapping
You can store the mappings in the Model repository when you run a Hadoop plan.
When you create a Hadoop plan, you can enable or disable the Persist Mapping option in the plan settings. Default is what the TDM administrator configures. You can choose to override this setting at the plan level. You can choose to persist mappings in the Model repository so that the mappings are available for future use. You can persist mapping if you want to troubleshoot a problem. After you persist mapping, you can view and edit the mappings.
You can connect to the Informatica Developer Tool, create mappings in the folder, and store the mappings in the Model repository. When you choose to persist mappings in Model repository and run the Hadoop plan, the TDM generated mappings overwrite the mappings in the Model repository if the folder name in the Informatica Developer Tool is same as the plan name in TDM. If you do not want TDM mappings to overwrite the mappings in the Model repository, you must not create a folder name in the Informatica Developer Tool in the following format: Plan_XY, where XY is the plan ID