User Guide > ilmcmd > Delete


Deletes objects from the ILM repository. To delete an object, specify the name of the object or the name of an XML file that lists the object details.
When you delete an object by name, you specify the object type and the location of the object in the repository. You can delete the following object types:
The ilmcmd delete command uses the following syntax:
<-Delete | -d>
<<-File | -f> XML_file_location | <-Object | -o>>
<-ObjectType | -ot> object_type
<-Project> project_name
<-Name | -n> object_name
[-Help | -h]
The following table describes ilmcmd delete options and arguments:
Required to delete an object by name. The type of object to export. For example, you can enter "Group."
Required to delete an object by name. The name of the project that contains the object to delete.
Required to delete an object by name. The name of the object that you want to delete.
Optional. Displays help for the command.

Delete Examples

Deleting a Masking Rule

The following sample command deletes the Credit_Card_Mask rule on UNIX:
./ilmcmd -d -ot MaskingRule -n Credit_Card_Mask

Deleting a Policy

The following sample command deletes the Personal policy on UNIX:
./ilmcmd -d -ot Policy -n Personal

Deleting a Generation Rule

The following sample command deletes the SIN_RandomNumeric rule on Windows:
ilmcmd -d -ot GenerationRule -n SIN_RandomNumeric

Deleting a Project

The following sample command deletes the Customer_DataGeneration project on Windows:
ilmcmd -d -ot Project -n Customer_DataGeneration