Data Types | Data Movement | Entity Criteria | Data Masking | Data Generation | Profiling | Comments |
Binary_Double | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Binary_Float | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Blob | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | You can perform nullification masking. |
Char | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Clob | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | |
Date | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | You cannot run data domain profiles. |
Dburitype | No | No | No | Yes | No | Use dictionary generation rule to generate data. |
Decimal(P,S) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | You cannot run entity profiles. |
Float | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | You cannot run entity profiles. To generate test data, you enter a precision value less than 15. |
Httpuritype | No | No | No | Yes | No | Use dictionary generation rule to generate data. |
Integer | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Interval day to second | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | You can enter the following criteria: Is Null, Is Not NulI, Like, Not Like, Is Empty, and Is Not Empty. For the Interval day(9) to second(9) data type, you must set the precision greater than 18. |
Interval year to month | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | You can enter the following entity criteria: Is Null, Is Not NulI, Like, Not Like, Is Empty, and Is Not Empty. For the Interval year(9) to month data type, you must set the precision greater than 11. Use dictionary generation rule to generate data. |
Long | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | In a sequence generation rule, you cannot choose to start the sequence from the last output value. |
Longraw | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | You can perform nullification masking. Use dictionary generation rule to generate data. |
Longvarchar | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | In a sequence generation rule, you cannot choose to start the sequence from the last output value. |
Nchar | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Nclob | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Use string generation rule to generate data. |
Number | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Nvarchar | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Nvarchar2(N) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Raw | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | You can perform nullification masking. Use dictionary generation rule to generate data. |
Real | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | You cannot run entity profiles. |
Rowid | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | |
Smallint | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Timestamp | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | You cannot run data domain profiles. |
Timestamp with time zone | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | You can enter the following entity criteria: Is Null, Is Not NulI, Like, Not Like, Is Empty, and Is Not Empty. |
Urowid | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | |
Varchar | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Varchar2(N) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
XML | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | You can enter the following entity criteria: Is Null, Is Not NulI, Is Empty, and Is Not Empty. If you assign a dictionary generation rule that contains specified invalid values for the XML data type in an Oracle database, the data generation task fails. |
Xdburitype | No | No | No | Yes | No | Use dictionary generation rule to generate data. |