Data Types | Test Data Warehouse | Comments |
Binary_Double | Yes | You can enter a precision value up to 28. |
Binary_Float | Yes | |
Blob | Yes | |
Char | Yes | |
Clob | Yes | |
Date | Yes | |
Decimal(P,S) | Yes | You can enter a precision value up to 28. You cannot enter the data type with value Decimal(38,38). |
Float | Yes | |
Integer | Yes | |
Long | Yes | |
Longraw | Yes | |
Longvarchar | Yes | |
Nchar | Yes | |
Nclob | Yes | |
Number | Yes | You can enter a precision value up to 28. You cannot enter the data type with value Number(38,38). |
Nvarchar2(N) | Yes | |
Raw | Yes | |
Real | Yes | |
Smallint | Yes | |
Timestamp | Yes | |
Timestamp with local time zone | Yes | You must set the precision to 40. You cannot perform the test generation operation. |
Timestamp with time zone | Yes | You must set the precision to 40. You cannot perform the test generation operation. |
Urowid | Yes | You cannot assign a data generation rule. TDM generates null values in the target. |
Varchar2(N) | Yes | |
XML | Yes | If you assign a dictionary generation rule that contains specified invalid values for the XML data type in an Oracle database, the data generation task fails. |