You can configure bearer token and OAuth 2.0 authentication types to access Slack.
Before you configure the connection properties, you need to keep the authentication details handy based on the authentication type that you want to use.
OAuth 2.0 authentication
The OAuth 2.0 authentication requires the client ID, client secret, and access token of your Slack application to connect to Slack.
Complete the following prerequisites to use OAuth 2.0 authentication:
•Create and install the Slack application in your workspace in Slack or for your enterprise organization.
The organization administrator installs the Slack application for the enterprise organization.
You can create a Slack application for a user or a bot.
•To use administration operations, create and install the Slack application for the enterprise organization and ensure that the public distribution option is enabled for the application.
•When you enable public distribution for the Slack application, add the redirect URL of the application to authenticate access to Slack from Data Integration.
For example, you can add the following redirect URL:
•Add the required scopes to your Slack application that determine what operations the application can perform within your Slack workspace.
For example, add the chat:write scope to allow your application to post messages in your workspace.
For more information about the scopes required to perform operations in Slack, see Scopes in Slack.
For more information about how to add scopes for you application, see Adding scopes.
•Get the client ID and client secret for the Slack application. You can find the client ID and client secret in the Basic Information tab of your Slack application.
Bearer token authentication
The bearer token authentication requires the token of your Slack application to connect to Slack.
Complete the following prerequisites to use bearer token authentication:
•Create and install the Slack application in your workspace in Slack or across your enterprise organization.
The organization administrator installs the Slack application for the enterprise organization.
You can create a Slack application for a user or a bot.
•To use administration operations, install the application for the enterprise organization.
•Add the required scopes to your Slack application that determine what operations the application can perform within your Slack workspace.
For example, add the chat:write scope to allow your application to post messages in your workspace.
For more information about how to add scopes for you application, see Adding scopes.
For more information about the scopes required to perform operations in Slack, see Scopes in Slack.
•Get the token for the Slack application. You can find the token under OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace on the OAuth & Permissions page in your Slack application.