To customize the RunAJob properties, copy the template files, remove _default from the file names, and then configure the properties. Alternatively, you can update existing copied files if you already have them. Use the template files that are included with the utility as a reference.
Login properties
Specify Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services login credentials in the file or include the login parameters as arguments in a task command.
Use login credentials for a native Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user account. You can't use a SAML user account for the RunAJob utility.
Include the following parameters in the file or in task commands:
Base URL.
Default is
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user name.
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services password or encrypted password string.
You can encrypt your login password before you specify it in the file or a task command.
1Use the template files to set a password for the keystore that stores the encryption key.
aIf you're using a Linux machine, copy the template file and rename it to If you're using a Windows machine, copy the template file set_cli_vars_default.bat and rename it to set_cli_vars.bat.
bEdit the file to specify your keystore password in the following format: set RUNAJOB_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=<password>
2To encrypt your login password, run one of the following commands:
- ./ encryptText -t <password>
- ./ encryptText -text <password>
3In the file, set the password to the encrypted string.
4Set the use.encryption property to true.
The following example shows the file with an encrypted password and the use.encryption property set to true:
Specify the frequency at which the RunAJob utility polls for status in the file.
You can use the following parameters:
Amount of time the utility waits before retrying if an internal exception occurs, such as a login failure or network problem.
Default is 5000 milliseconds.
Maximum amount of time the utility waits for a job to complete before polling the activity monitor and activity log again for status.
Default is 5000 milliseconds.
Number of times the utility polls for status. Default is six. This parameter is used for polling the activity monitor and activity log for job status and for internal exceptions such as network failures.
Login failures are retried up to five times.
Note: Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services adds 10 seconds between each API call to prevent server issues.
When you configure the file to poll job status, consider the values you set for TOTALWAIT and RETRYCOUNT, and keep in mind the amount of time you expect a job to run.
For example, if you expect a job to run for approximately 25 minutes, you might set the the following parameters:
With these settings, the utility polls the job status every 60 seconds up to 30 times with 10 seconds between each retry, which totals 35 minutes. If the job runs for more than 35 minutes, the command exits with return code 6, which means the job is running. The job continues to run in Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
When you configure the file for internal exceptions, consider the values you set for ACTIVITYMONITOR and RETRYCOUNT.
For example, you might set the following parameters:
With these settings, if the network fails, the utility retries the login every five seconds up to five times with an additional 10 seconds between each retry.
Log file detail
You can set the level of job detail to include in log files in the file.
By default, the level of detail is set to INFO. At this level, log files include basic information such as user ID, job ID, and the time that the task was initiated. If you want log files to include job details for debugging purposes, you can change the level of detail to DEBUG. Or, for fine-grained details, you can change the level to TRACE.
To set the level of detail, change the value of the following parameter in the file: