Property | Description |
Display Name | Required. Name of the business entity. Note: Ensure that you don't use the name of the predefined business entities or the reserved keyword xrefLinks in the display name. |
Internal ID | Required. A unique business entity identifier, which is generated based on the display name that you enter. You can't change the internal ID after you create the business entity. Note: Ensure that you don't use the name of the predefined business entities or the reserved keyword xrefLinks in the internal ID. |
Description | Optional. A description of the business entity. |
Location | Required. Project or folder within which you want to save the business entity. |
Icon | Optional. Icon to represent the business entity for easy identification. |
Error Remediation | Optional. Indicates whether you can create records with validation errors in real time through REST API or the user interface. To enable error remediation for a business entity that contains records, purge the existing data because you can't revalidate the existing records in bulk. When you enable error remediation, MDM SaaS tags records with validation statuses and makes these records searchable. Also, the search results page includes the validation status filter that you can use to filter search results by validation status, errors, and error types. When error remediation isn't enabled, you can ingress records with errors through batch jobs and file import. However, the records aren’t tagged with a validation status, and the search results page doesn’t include the validation status filter. Note: By default, the user interface displays the field group associated with error remediation for business entities irrespective of whether error remediation is enabled or disabled. When you enable error remediation, the field group displays the validation errors of fields. When you disable error remediation, the field group doesn't display any validation errors. When you update a data quality rule association, MDM SaaS doesn't reprocess the existing records to apply the updated data quality rule association. To apply the updated rule association, edit the record. |
Business ID Format | Required. Format for business IDs that MDM SaaS generates for records. For more information about the business ID format, see Business ID format. |