To create a trusted master record from multiple source records, configure survivorship. When you configure survivorship, you rank source systems by their reliability and configure survivorship rules.
You can rank source systems and configure survivorship rules for business entities. When you configure survivorship for a business entity, all fields and field groups of the business entity inherit the configuration. Additionally, you can configure survivorship for specific fields and field groups that differ from the configuration for the business entity.
By default, a field group is treated as a block. All fields and field groups that are nested within a field group have the same survivorship configuration and survive as a block. Field group entries from a patch record survive as a block. You can disable a field group from surviving as a block and set specific configurations for fields and field groups nested within it. Even though you disable a field group from surviving as a block, field groups nested within the field group survive as a block. You can disable the nested field group from surviving as a block and configure individual survivorship configurations for the fields within the nested field group.
To configure survivorship, perform the following tasks:
1Select business entities, field groups, or fields that you want to configure survivorship for.
2Rank source systems based on reliability.
3Configure survivorship rules for business entities, field groups, or fields.