Business 360 REST API Reference > Business 360 REST API > Business entity record APIs

Business entity record APIs

Use the business entity record APIs to read, create, update, delete, or restore business entity master records. These APIs use the entity resource.
Note: Effective in the July 2023 release, the response of the read master record by business ID and read master record by SourcePKey APIs include the validation statuses that are available for preview.
Preview functionality is supported for evaluation purposes but is unwarranted and is not supported in production environments or any environment that you plan to push to production. Informatica intends to include the preview functionality in an upcoming release for production use, but might choose not to in accordance with changing market or technical circumstances. For more information, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.

Create Master Record

Use the Create Master Record API to create a master record for a business entity.
The API supports the POST method.

POST request

To create a business entity master record, submit a POST request with the following URI:
POST <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/<businessEntity>?sourceSystem=<sourceSystem>[&sourcePKey=<pkey>][&_resolveCrosswalk=true|false]
The following table lists the parameters that you can use in the URI:
Internal ID of the business entity for which you want to create a master record.
Internal ID of the source system to which the record belongs.
The primary key of the source record.
Indicates whether to standardize picklist values based on the source system configuration.
To standardize the picklist values, set to true. If set to true, ensure that the picklist values belong to a code list that's part of a crosswalk.
Default is false.
For more information about standardizing picklist values, see Define Source Systems.
Unique identifier of the business entity record.
You can use one of the following formats for business IDs:
  • - Alphanumeric. Use 14 characters that include the prefix MDM, such as MDM4AB78YU2WE2.
  • - Numeric. Use 15 to 24 characters that include a three-digit prefix. For example, 999 is the prefix in the ID 999456789222123. You can select any three digits for the prefix.
Ensure that you don't use a prefix that's the same as the prefix specified in the business ID format property of any business entity. For example, if a business entity uses 111 as the prefix, don't use 111560008 as the custom business ID.
For more information about business entity properties, see Defining the Data Model.

Request body

You must include the record details in the request body.
If a business entity field in a field group has a data quality rule, specify the _id parameter value for the field group entry that you create. For example, if the Postal Code field in the Address field group has a data quality rule, specify an ID for an address entry that you create.
For more information about data quality rules, see Configure Data Quality.

POST response

The response is in the JSON format. The response shows the HTTP 200 OK response code and retrieves the business ID of the record you created. When you submit a REST API request to create a record, Business 360 verifies your existing user role permissions and the approval workflow configuration. The response indicates whether a data steward must approve the records you created.

POST example

You might use the following request to create a master record for the c360.organization business entity:
POST <baseApiUrl>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/c360.organization?sourceSystem=c360.default.system&sourcePKey=pkey910&_resolveCrosswalk=true
Content-Type: application/json


"firstName": "Lewis",
"lastName": "Hamilton",
"middleName": "Decay",
"PostalAddress": [
"_id": "3d4a8f4d07cb4f0db9ea1be9bf8d27e8",
"defaultIndicator": true,
"addressType": {
"Name": "Home",
"Code": "Home"
"usageType": {
"Name": "Home",
"Code": "Home"
"addressStatus": {
"Name": "Active",
"Code": "Active"
"addressLine1": "789456, park road",
"country": {
"Name": "United States",
"Code": "US"
"state": {
"Name": "California",
"Code": "CA"
"city": "California"
"Phone": [
"_id": "f142a11b916c4a1b8239466f15852",
"phoneUsageType": {
"Name": "Home",
"Code": "Home"
"phoneType": {
"Name": "Mobile",
"Code": "Mobile"
"phoneNumber": "9900202777"
"_contentMeta": {
"trust": {
"fieldData": [
"fieldRef": "/",
"sourceLastUpdateDate": 1654058410000
"fieldRef": "PostalAddress[3d4a8f4d07cb4f0db9ea1be9bf8d27e8]",
"sourceLastUpdateDate": 1654058410000
"fieldRef": "Phone[f142a11b916c4a1b8239466f15852]",
"sourceLastUpdateDate": 1654839671000


If no approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

If the approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Note: You might use the business ID to retrieve the business entity master record. For more information, see Read Master Record by Business ID .

Read Master Record by Business ID

Use the Read Master Record by Business ID API to retrieve the active business entity master record based on the business ID of the record.
Before you begin, you must know the business ID of the record. To get the business ID of a record, you can submit a search request.
The API supports the GET method.

GET request

To retrieve a business entity master record, submit a GET request with the following URI:
GET <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/<businessEntity>/<businessId>
The GET request contains the following parameters that you can use in the URI:
Internal ID of the business entity from which you want to retrieve the master record.
Unique identifier of the business entity record.

GET response

The response is in the JSON format. The response body contains the business entity master record data.
The GET response includes the following _meta parameters:
Unique identifier of the business entity record.
Unique identifier of the business entity record. Do not use.
Internal ID of the business entity from which you retrieved the master record.
Name of the person who created the record.
Date when the record was created.
Name of the user who last updated the record.
Date when the master record was last updated.
Indicates whether the record is active, inactive, or in pending state.
Indicates the validation status of the record.
The record can have one of the following statuses:
  • - PENDING. Indicates that the record is not yet validated.
  • - PASSED. Indicates that the record is validated and has no errors.
  • - FAILED. Indicates that the record is validated and has validation and data quality errors.

GET examples

You might use the following request to retrieve the active master record based on the business ID 30021755350133630729399872184:
GET <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/c360.organization/30021755350133630729399872184 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
The sample response shows the HTTP 200 OK response code and retrieves the business entity master record that matches the specified business ID.
"name": "NewElectronics",
"numberOfEmployees": 12,
"companyType": {
"Code": "Chartered",
"Name": "Chartered"
"dateOfIncorporation": "2021-06-01",
"TaxDetail": [
"_id": "610169fa9f45df408e8caab7",
"taxNumberType": {
"Code": "ITIN",
"Name": "Individual Taxpayer Identification Number"
"taxNumber": "12"
"_meta": {
"businessId": "30021755350133630729399872184",
"id": "30021755350133630729399872184",
"businessEntity": "c360.organization",
"createdBy": "bejoyjacob",
"creationDate": 1627482617102,
"updatedBy": "iansmith,
"lastUpdateDate": 1627482617102,
"state": "ACTIVE"
To get the content meta, add _showContentMeta=true at the end of the request URL. You might use the following request to retrieve the Person business entity master record with the business ID MDM00000000020:
GET <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/c360.person/MDM00000000020?_showContentMeta=true
The sample response shows the HTTP 200 OK response code and retrieves the business entity master record that matches the specified business ID. The response shows the content metadata in the _contentMeta section.

"firstName": "Sarvesh",
"lastName": "K",
"fullName": "Sarvesh K",
"_meta": {
"id": "MDM00000000020",
"businessEntity": "c360.person",
"businessId": "MDM00000000020",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"validation": "PASSED",
"createdBy": "shan_jan_26_2024_1",
"creationDate": 1713198564330,
"updatedBy": "shan_jan_26_2024_1",
"lastUpdateDate": 1713198565031
"_contentMeta": {
"trust": {
"fieldData": [
"fieldRef": "/",
"lastUpdatedDate": 1713198565031,
"manualOverride": false,
"sourcePrimaryKey": "661d55e49f4aec2f78096c17",
"sourceSystem": "c360.default.system",
"trustRule": "SourceRanking",
"trustScore": 0
For more information about content metadata, see Read content meta .

Read Master Record by SourcePKey

Use the Read Master Record by SourcePKey API to retrieve an active business entity master record associated with a particular source system and the primary key.
The API supports the GET method.

GET request

To retrieve a business entity master record, submit a GET request with the following URI:
GET <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/<businessEntity>/<sourceSystem>/<sourcePKey>
The GET request contains the following parameters that you can use in the URI:
Internal ID of the business entity for which you want to retrieve the master record.
Internal ID of the source system to which the record belongs.
The primary key of the source record.

GET response

The response is in the JSON format. The response body contains the business entity master record data.
The GET response includes the following _meta parameters:
Unique identifier of the business entity record.
Unique identifier of the business entity record. Do not use.
Internal ID of the business entity from which you retrieved the master record.
Name of the person that created the record.
Date when the record was created.
Name of the person that updated the record.
Date when the record was last updated.
Indicates whether the record is active, inactive, or in pending state.
Indicates the validation status of the record.
The record can have one of the following statuses:
  • - PENDING. Indicates that the record is not yet validated.
  • - PASSED. Indicates that the record is validated and has no errors.
  • - FAILED. Indicates that the record is validated and has validation and data quality errors.

GET examples

You might use the following request to retrieve the business entity master record associated with the c360.default.system source system and the ex60dd654d2d1dce73a206edd2 primary key:
GET <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/c360.organization/c360.default.system/ex60dd654d2d1dce73a206edd2 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
The following sample response shows the active master record that matches the specified source name and sourcePKey:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"name": "NewElectronics",
"numberOfEmployees": 12,
"companyType": {
"Code": "Chartered",
"Name": "Chartered"
"dateOfIncorporation": "2021-06-01",
"TaxDetail": [
"_id": "610169fa9f45df408e8caab7",
"taxNumberType": {
"Code": "ITIN",
"Name": "Individual Taxpayer Identification Number"
"taxNumber": "12"
"_meta": {
"businessId": "30021755350133630729399872184",
"id": "30021755350133630729399872184",
"businessEntity": "c360.organization",
"createdBy": "bejoyjacob",
"creationDate": 1627482617102,
"updatedBy": "iansmith",
"lastUpdateDate": 1627482617102,
"state": "ACTIVE"
To get the content metadata, add _showContentMeta=true at the end of the request URL. You might use the following request to retrieve the active master record for the Person business entity, which is associated with the c360.default.system source system and the 610959f149cba67ca253a872 primary key:
GET <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity-xref/c360.person/c360.default.system/610959f149cba67ca253a872?_showContentMeta=true
The sample response shows the HTTP 200 OK response code and retrieves the active master record that matches the specified source name and sourcePKey. The response shows the content metadata in the _contentMeta section.
"fullName":"Bhavani Shankar",
"businessId": "30031351063540315477991729267",
For more information about content metadata, see Read content meta .

Update Master Record

Use the Update Master Record API to update an existing active business entity record based on the business ID that you specify.
The API supports the PUT method.

PUT request

To update an active master record associated with a business ID, submit a PUT request with the following URI:
PUT <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/<businessEntity>/<businessId>?sourceSystem=<sourceSystem>[&_resolveCrosswalk=true|false]
The PUT request contains the following parameters that you can use in the URI:
Internal ID of the business entity for which you want to update the master record.
Unique identifier of the master record that you want to update.
If you specify the business ID of an inactive merged master record, the active master record, to which the inactive master record is merged, is updated.
Internal ID of the source system to which the record belongs.
Optional. Indicates whether to standardize picklist values based on the source system configuration.
To standardize the picklist values, set to true. If set to true, ensure that the picklist values belong to a code list that's part of a crosswalk.
Default is false.
For more information about standardizing picklist values, see Define Source Systems.
If a business entity field in a field group has a data quality rule, specify the _id parameter value for the field group entry that you create. For example, if the Postal Code field in the Address field group has a data quality rule, specify an ID for an address entry that you create.
For more information about data quality rules, see Configure Data Quality.

PUT response

The response is in the JSON format. The PUT response returns HTTP 200 success code. When you submit a REST API request to update a record, Business 360 verifies your existing user role permissions and the approval workflow configuration. The response indicates whether a data steward must approve the records you updated.

PUT examples

The following request updates a master record for the c360.organization business entity:
PUT <baseApiUrl>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/c360.organization/30135099501325521983619650821?sourceSystem=c360.default.system&_resolveCrosswalk=true
Content-Type: application/json

"name": "NewElectronics",
"numberOfEmployees": 12,
"companyType": {
"Code": "Chartered"
"dateOfIncorporation": "2021-06-01",
"TaxDetail": [
"taxNumberType": {
"Code": "ITIN"
"taxNumber": "12"
If no approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

If the approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Update Master Record Field

Use the Update Master Record API to add, replace, or remove a field in an existing business entity record based on the business ID that you specify.
The API supports the PATCH method.

PATCH request

To update a business entity master record associated with a business ID, submit a PATCH request with the following URI:
PATCH <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/<businessEntity>/<businessId>?sourceSystem=<sourceSystem>[&_resolveCrosswalk=true|false]
The PATCH request contains the following parameters that you can use in the URI:
Internal ID of the business entity for which you want to update the master record.
Unique identifier of the business entity record.
If you specify the business ID of an inactive merged master record, the active master record, to which the inactive master record is merged, is updated.
Internal ID of the source system to which the record belongs.
Indicates whether to standardize picklist values based on the source system configuration.
To standardize the picklist values, set to true. If set to true, ensure that the picklist values belong to a code list that's part of a crosswalk.
Default is false.
For more information about standardizing picklist values, see Define Source Systems.
The PATCH request body includes the following parameters:
The operator that indicates the type of update. You can specify the following operators:
  • - add. Adds new data to the record.
  • - replace. Replaces the existing data.
  • - remove. Removes the data from the record.
The name of the field you want to update.
Note: If the field contains multiple values, specify the name and the internal ID of the field. For example, the Postal Address field contains multiple values.
Contains the values that you want to use to update the record.
Note: You can't update dynamic field values and dynamic field definitions.

PATCH response

The response is in the JSON format. The PATCH response returns HTTP 200 success code. When you submit a REST API request to update a record, Business 360 verifies your existing user role permissions and the approval workflow configuration. The response indicates whether a data steward must approve the records you updated.

PATCH examples

The following request updates the first name of a person to Marko:
PATCH <baseApiUrl>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/c360.person/30007167057089073281821852231?sourceSystem=c360.default.system&_resolveCrosswalk=true
Content-Type: application/json

The following request adds a postal address, replaces a postal address, and removes a postal address:
"op": "add",
"path": "PostalAddress",
"value": {
"_id": "60f01672b9bac05632a3111111",
"addressLine1": "Nikola Tesla Avenue",
"country": {
"Code": "US",
"Name": "America"
"state": {
"Code": "CA",
"Name": "California"
"op": "replace",
"path": "PostalAddress[1ebb60fbf93d41518f86f79f7211c3be]",
"value": {
"_id": "1ebb60fbf93d41518f86f79f7211c3be",
"addressLine1": "Cambie Street",
"country": {
"Code": "US",
"Name": "America"
"op": "remove",
"path": "PostalAddress[60f01672b9bac05632a3d522]"
If no approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

If the approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Read Source Records by Master Record

Use the Read Source Records by Master Record API to identify all the source records that contribute to a master record.
Before you begin, you must know the business ID of the master record. To get the business ID of a master record, you can submit a search request.
The API supports the GET method.

GET request

To get the source records that contribute to a master record, submit a GET request with the following URI:
GET <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity-member/<businessEntity>/<businessId>
The GET request contains the following parameters that you can use in the URI:
Internal ID of the business entity to which the master record belongs.
Unique identifier of the master record whose source records you want to retrieve.

GET response

The response is in the JSON format. The response body contains the source records that contribute to the specified master record.
Primary source key of the source record.
Unique identifier of the source system for the source record.

GET examples

You might use the following request to retrieve the business entity source member records based on the business ID MDM0000007QMV4:
GET <baseURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity-member/c360.person/
The sample response retrieves the source records that contribute to the master record that matches the specified business ID.
"content": [
"sourcePKey": "ex62854adaf03192610b6ad9c0",
"sourceSystem": "c360.default.system"
"sourcePKey": "ex628547194fa64531c105625f",
"sourceSystem": "c360.default.system"
"sourcePKey": "001",
"sourceSystem": "microsoft"
"sourcePKey": "ex628549c94fa64531c105631c",
"sourceSystem": "c360.default.system"
"sourcePKey": "001",
"sourceSystem": "salesforce"

Delete Master Record

Use the Delete Master Record API to delete an active master record based on the business ID of the record. The API doesn't permanently delete the record from the data store, and you can search for the deleted record.
The API supports the DELETE method.

DELETE request

To delete a business entity master record, submit a DELETE request with the following URI:
DELETE <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/<businessEntity>/<businessId>?sourceSystem=<source_system>
Use the following parameters in the DELETE request:
Internal ID of the business entity for which you want to delete the master record.
Unique identifier of the master record.
Internal ID of the source system that the record belongs to.

DELETE response

The DELETE response returns the HTTP 200 success code. When you submit a REST API request to delete a record, MDM SaaS verifies the permissions of your user role and the approval workflow configuration. The response indicates whether the deletion request requires an approval.
If no approval workflow is configured for your user role, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

If an approval workflow is configured for your user role, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


DELETE example

You can use the following request to delete an active master record based on the business ID:
DELETE <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/c360.person/MDM0000007DK79?sourceSystem=c360.default.system
If no approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"approvalRequired": false,
If an approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"approvalRequired": true,

Restore Master Record

Use the Restore Master Record API to restore a deleted master record. You can restore a deleted master record if it has at least one active source record.
The API supports the PUT method.

PUT request

To restore a deleted master record, submit a PUT request with the following URI:
PUT <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/<businessEntity>/<businessId>?sourceSystem=<source_system>&_operationType=restore
Use the following parameters in the PUT request:
Internal ID of the business entity for which you want to restore a deleted master record.
Unique identifier of the deleted master record that you want to restore.
Internal ID of the source system that the record belongs to.
Type of operation that you want to perform on the deleted master record. The supported value is restore.

Request body

You must include a blank request body {} for the PUT request to succeed.

PUT response

The PUT response returns the HTTP 200 success code. When you submit a REST API request to restore a master record, MDM SaaS verifies the permissions of your user role and the approval workflow configuration. The response indicates whether the restore request requires an approval.
If no approval workflow is configured for your user role, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

If an approval workflow is configured for your user role, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


PUT example

To restore a deleted master record, you can submit the following request:
PUT <baseApiURL>/business-entity/public/api/v1/entity/c360.person/MDM0000007DK79?sourceSystem=c360.default.system&_operationType=restore
Include a blank request body in the following format:
If no approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"approvalRequired": false,
If an approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"approvalRequired": true,