Manage Dashboards > Manage dashboards > Adding a widget

Adding a widget

When you log in for the first time, the Home page displays an empty dashboard. You can edit the dashboard to add charts as widgets. You can select a report that you want the widget to display as a chart.
    1On the Home page, click Edit Dashboard.
    The dashboard layout opens in the edit mode.
    2Click Add Report.
    The Add Report dialog box appears.
    3Enter the name of the report to add.
    The reports with matching names appear in a list.
    Note: To view all the available reports, type * in the search box.
    4Select a report from the list.
    The chart associated with the selected report appears in the preview panel along with the last updated time and estimated next run time of the associated report.
    5Click Add.
    The chart appears on the widget.
    6To add more widgets, repeat steps 2 through 5.
    7Click Save.