Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse Connector > Mappings in SQL ELT mode for Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse > Transformations with Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse

Transformations with Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse

The Source, Target, and other transformations that you configure in mappings in SQL ELT mode can behave differently than in regular mappings.
A mapping in SQL ELT mode includes only transformations that the cloud ecosystem can process.
Some properties in mappings might not apply for mappings in SQL ELT mode. This topic lists the applicable transformations, properties in source and target transformations, functions, and operators that you can use in mappings in SQL ELT mode. It also provides rules and guidelines for specific configurations and points out where they differ from mappings when applicable.

Sources in mappings in SQL ELT mode

When you configure a source connection in a Source transformation, you can choose only a Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse or a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse connection.

Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse source properties

You can configure the following properties for a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse source:
For more information about the source properties, see Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse sources in mappings.

Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse source properties

You can configure the following properties for a Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse source:
For information about how to configure these properties, see the help for Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse Connector.

Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 source properties

You can configure the following properties for a Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 source:
For information about how to configure these properties, see the help for Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Connector.

Targets in mappings in SQL ELT mode

When you configure a Target transformation in a mapping in SQL ELT mode, you need to use only a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse connection.
You can configure the following properties in a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target transformation in a mapping in SQL ELT mode:
For more information about the target properties, see Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse targets in mappings.

Transformations in mappings in SQL ELT mode

A mapping in SQL ELT mode includes transformations that Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse can process.
You can use the following transformations in a mapping in SQL ELT mode:

Functions in mappings in SQL ELT mode

When you create expressions in a mapping in SQL ELT mode, you must use the native functions and expression syntax of Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse and not Informatica functions and expression syntax.
You can use the following native functions in a mapping in SQL ELT mode:

Aggregate functions

  • - AVG()
  • - COUNT()
  • - COUNT_BIG()
  • - GROUPING()
  • - MAX()
  • - MIN()
  • - STDEV()
  • - STDEVP()
  • - SUM()
  • - VAR()
  • - VARP()

Bit manipulation functions

  • - BIT_COUNT()
  • - GET_BIT()
  • - LEFT_SHIFT()
  • - SET_BIT()

Cryptographic functions


Date and Time functions


Expression functions

  • - NULLIF()

JSON functions

  • - ISJSON()

Mathematical functions

  • - ABS()
  • - ACOS()
  • - ASIN()
  • - ATAN()
  • - ATN2()
  • - CEILING()
  • - COS()
  • - COT()
  • - DEGREES()
  • - EXP()
  • - FLOOR()
  • - LOG()
  • - LOG10()
  • - PI()
  • - POWER()
  • - RADIANS()
  • - ROUND()
  • - SIGN()
  • - SIN()
  • - SQRT()
  • - SQUARE()
  • - TAN()

Metadata functions

  • - SCHEMA_ID()
  • - STATS_DATE()

Security functions

  • - SUSER_NAME()
  • - USER_NAME()

String functions

  • - ASCII()
  • - BASE64_DECODE()
  • - BASE64_ENCODE()
  • - CHAR()
  • - CONCAT()
  • - CONCAT_WS()
  • - FORMAT()
  • - LEFT()
  • - LEN()
  • - LOWER()
  • - LTRIM()
  • - PATINDEX()
  • - REPLACE()
  • - REVERSE()
  • - RIGHT()
  • - RTRIM()
  • - SOUNDEX()
  • - SPACE()
  • - STR()
  • - STUFF()
  • - TRIM()
  • - UNICODE()
  • - UPPER()

System functions

  • - COMPRESS()
  • - ISNULL()
  • - NEWID()

Operators in mappings in SQL ELT mode

When you use mappings in SQL ELT mode, Data Integration converts the expression in the transformation by determining equivalent operators in the database. If there is no equivalent operator, Data Integration processes the transformation logic.
The table lists the operators that you can push to Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse:

Rules and guidelines in mappings in SQL ELT mode

Certain rules and guidelines apply to mappings in SQL ELT mode.

General rules and guidelines

Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 source guidelines

Certain rules and guidelines apply to mappings in SQL ELT mode when you load data from Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 source to Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse.