Design > Designing Guides > Setting Guide Properties

Setting Guide Properties

    1Select the Start step.
    2 Enter properties on the following tabs:

General Properties

You can specify the following General properties for guides:
A descriptive name to identify the guide in Guide Designer and the name that appears when the guide is available for use in other objects such as process call steps.
The name can contain multibyte characters and must not exceed 80 characters.
To change the name of a published guide, you must first unpublish the guide. Then, change the name and republish the guide.
The location of the project or folder you want the process to reside in. To select a location for the guide, browse to the appropriate project or folder, or use the default location.
A description of the guide.

Start Properties

You can define the following Start properties for a guide:
Applies To
The type of object associated with the guide. The objects that display in this list are the process objects you defined separately, or generated in a defined connection. Drill-down in the list to see process objects and connections, and then select one of these items. Select a process object only if the guide will be embedded in another guide.
Note: To change the Applies To property of a published guide, you must first unpublish the guide. Then, change the Applies To property and republish the guide.
Choose Any if you do not want to associate the guide with a specific object. When you select this option, the guide does not automatically have access to an object's fields. Use this object type when a guide creates a new object and does not access information within existing objects.
Note: If you run a guide, the Applies To setting must be either Any or a specific object in a service, but not a process object.
Run As (Salesforce only)
For Salesforce only, you can choose whether to run the guide as the Current User or System.
Choose Current User if the guide should have the same privileges as the user who is running it.
Choose System if the guide should have system-level permissions to enable actions that the guide user may not otherwise be able to access. For example, if a user does not have access to account objects and the guide is running as System, the guide can still access the account objects to the extent needed to run the guide.

Screens Properties

Use the Screens tab to configure where you want the guide to display and the languages you want the guide to support.
You can define the following properties for the Screen step:
Intended Display
The environment in which the guide will run.
Select Browser if you want the guide to run on a browser of the following devices:
  • - Desktop
  • - Laptop
  • - Tablet
Select Mobile App if you want the guide to run on the following mobile applications:
  • - Informatica
  • - Salesforce S1
Support multiple languages
The list of languages supported by the guide for localization. Select a language from the Add Language list.

Guide Translations

Use the Start > Screens > Support Multiple Languages option to select the languages that you want the guide to appear in.
This section discusses the following topics:
Select Add a language to see the list of languages.
The following image shows a sample Languages list:
This image shows the Screens tab of the Start step with the following langauges: Catalan, French, and Spanish.
By default, all languages use the name and description of the Default language. If you want translated names and descriptions to appear, enter the Guide Name and Guide Description against each language.
To remove a language, click Delete.
You cannot delete the Default item.
The following image shows the Properties Detail dialog box for a guide that has added languages:
This image shows the guide Properties Details window. The Default and additional languages are available.

Creating Content for a Translated Screen

Select a language from the Actions option, as shown in the following image:
This image shows the languages available in the Actions list with French highlighted.
To edit the content of a translated screen, perform the following steps:
  1. 1Go to Actions and select the language.
  2. 2Select the step that you want to edit.
  3. 3In the step properties section, click Preview Screen.
  4. You see a window with sections for the Default language and for the translated language.
    Note: The Edit Screen and Preview Screen options are available for all steps except for the Decision and Jump steps.
    The following image shows the default screen on the left and the translated screen on the right:
    This image shows the Preview tab of a Screen step. You see a section for the default guide and a section for the French guide.
  5. 4Select the Edit tab and enter the content that you want the translated guide to contain.
  6. The following image shows the Edit tab with content entered:
    This image shows the Edit tab with content added.
  7. 5Select the Preview tab.
  8. The following image shows that the content that you entered appears only in the French screen:
  9. This image shows the preview tab with new content on the French side.
To make changes that apply to all guide languages, select Default from the Actions option, select a step, and then click Edit Screen.
The following table lists what happens to a translated screen when you make a change to the default screen:
Change Made in the Default Screen
Action in Translated Screen
Add a field
The field is added to the bottom.
Delete a field
Text is added to the translated screen telling you that a field was deleted. You will need to delete this inserted text from the translated screen.
Add an answer
The answer is added. All translations use the default answer until you translate the answer for each language.
Delete an answer
The answer in the same position is deleted.
Reorder answers
Answers are reordered identically.
Add text
Text added to the Default is added to languages that are not translated.
Delete text
Text is deleted from languages that are not translated.

What You Can Change in a Translated Screen

You can only change text within the Instruction, Prompt, Title, and Answers areas. You can also change the layout of information within the translation screen. For example, you can place two bulleted items in default screen within a table in the translation screen.
You cannot change text that is part of the guide. Examples are "Instructions", "Restart", "History", and so on.
Behind the scenes, Application Integration keeps the default and all translated screens synchronized, ensuring that the basic structure between the default and all translated screens is maintained. It prevents you from changing the step type, adding a field, or reordering answers by not allowing you to use them. You are prevented from some actions by controls not being selectable. However, you can still accidentally delete a field or an answer. If you do delete a field or answer, Guide Designer displays an error box and reinserts what was deleted and tells you it did this. If there is text associated with something you accidentally deleted, the information from the Default is copied. For example, if you had removed an answer, Guide Designer inserts the text of the answer that was in the default into the translated screen.

Simulating a Translated Screen

To view how a user will see a translated screen, perform the following steps:
  1. 1Go to Actions > Select Language.
  2. 2On the canvas, select the step you want to view.
  3. 3From the Simulate list at the top of the page, select From selected step.
  4. The following image shows the Simulate list:
    This image shows the Simulate list with the options From Start and From selected step.
    The following image shows the simulated step:
    This image shows the simulation of a translated step.

What Do End Users Do to Select a Translated Guide?

End users do not need to select a translated guide. Application Integration uses the browser locale to select a language to display.
Salesforce only: Salesforce users are always associated with a language. Depending upon which version of Salesforce you are using, you can see this setting within the Personal Information section of "My Personal Information" or within the Languages & Time Zone section of "My Settings | Personal". Guide Designer checks this value and if a translated guide exists for that language, it displays that guide.

Input Field Properties

The input fields available for a guide are those contained in the object(s) to which the guide applies. This is specified in the Applies To property on the Start tab.
The Input field values are available in all steps of the guide. An embedded guide may need to access information from the embedding guide. Creating input fields is also a way to define this information so that it can be passed to the embedding guide.
The following table describes the name and type for input field category for use in a guide:
The name of the input field.
The type of the input field. For example, select Date, Date Time, Time, Integer, or Text.
You can also add an input field of a simple type, custom type, or connection defined type. To do this, select More types, and then in the Edit Type dialog box, select the Category as Simple Types, Custom Types, or Connection defined Types.
The description for the input field.
If the field is required for a guide to execute, select Required.
For information about using input fields in embedded guides, see Embedded Guide step.
For more information about fields, see Introduction to Data Types and Field Properties.

Output Field Properties

The output fields available for a guide are those contained in the object(s) to which the guide applies. This is specified in the Applies To property on the Start tab.
The output field values are set when the guide executes and are then available in the steps that follow. Define output fields only for use in an embedded guide. These output fields do not appear in lists until the values are returned from an embedded guide.
The following table describes the name and type for the output field category for use in a guide:
The name of the output field.
The type of the output field. For example, select Date, Date Time, Time, Integer, or Text.
You can also add an output field of a simple type, custom type, or connection defined type. To do this, select More types, and then in the Edit Type dialog box, select the Category as Simple Types, Custom Types, or Connection defined Types.
The description for the output field.
Initial Value
The initial value for the output field.
For information about using output fields in embedded guides, see Embedded Guide step.
For more information about fields, see Introduction to Data Types and Field Properties.

Temporary Field Properties

The temporary fields available for a guide are those contained in the object(s) to which the guide applies.
The temporary field values can be used in all of the current guide's steps. However, a temporary field's value is not available to an embedded guide.
The following table describes the name and type for the temporary field category for use in a guide:
The name of the temp field.
The type of the temp field. For example, select Date, Date Time, Time, Integer, or Text.
You can also add an temp field of a simple type, custom type, or connection defined type. To do this, select More types, and then in the Edit Type dialog box, select the Category as Simple Types, Custom Types, or Connection defined Types.
The description for the temp field.
Initial Value
The initial value for the temp field.
For more information about fields, see Introduction to Data Types and Field Properties.


When a user finishes the last step in the guide, you may want to note how it ended. These endings are called 'outcomes'.
Use the Start > Outcomes to define possible outcomes.
In the following image, six outcomes are defined for a guide:
This image shows the Outcomes tab of the Start step with six outcomes defined.
The following image shows the canvas view of a guide with part of a guide with four outcomes:
This image shows four possible outcomes for the guide.
You can also add an outcome while editing an End/Milestone Step by selecting Add new outcomes in the list of available outcomes.

Advanced Properties

Use the Advanced tab to set the following properties:
Allow Restart
Determines whether users can restart this guide from the first step. If you enable this option, when the guide restarts, it undoes previously executed steps.
Execution Logging
If checked, Application Integration logs details about the guide steps and execution, so it is available for reports.
Rollback Screens
If selected, the previous input values are reset when a user clicks Go Back One Step or clicks a step in the History panel.
If not selected, the previous input values are not reset.
If you select this option for an embedded guide, the reset is applicable only to the scope of the embedded guide, unless the parent guide has also enabled this option.
Always Start New
If checked, opening a guide always creates a new instance of the guide.
Feedback email list
If you want users to send feedback, add one or more email addresses (separated by commas) to receive feedback. Users can then click the feedback option on the guide to display the following dialog:
The dialog shows the guide's name and the step being executed.
Show Guide Only When (Salesforce only)
You can specify criteria that determine when this guide displays in the "Guides" area on a user's Salesforce page.
The following image shows the Advanced tab:
This image shows the Advanced tab of the Start step. All fields have data except for the Always Start New option, which is unchecked.

Show Guide Only When

Note: This feature only applies to guides that execute within Salesforce.
You can determine which guides display within the "Guides" area on a user's Salesforce page by entering criteria in the guide properties. Enter the criteria in the Show Guide Only When field on the Guide Properties Advanced tab.
The criteria must be entered as a Boolean expression. You can use the functions and operators described in the Salesforce documentation. See the examples below.
Use the Insert Field list to select insert objects and fields into the expression.
This expression can be as complex as you need. For example, here is an expression that tells Guide Designer that it should only display a guide when an account's owner is one of three people:
CONTAINS($Account.Owner.Name, "John Smith")
|| CONTAINS($Account.Owner.Name, "Bob Smith")
|| CONTAINS($Account.Owner.Name, "Jim Smith")
Note: Do not use Salesforce field syntax (enclosing field names in curly braces with the "!" prefix) when you enter field names. The expression is passed directly to Salesforce as an Apex expression. If you pass an invalid Apex expression, Salesforce returns an error message.
Example 1
If the field is a list, you can use an equals sign to select one of the items from the list. For example:
Account.Type = 'Analyst'
Example 2
To define multiple criteria, use "&&" (logical AND) and "||" (logical OR) in your expression. For example:
(Account.Type = 'Analyst' && Account.testfield__c= true) || (Account.Phone ='1234')
In this case, the expression means that:
  1. 1The account type must be Analyst AND the testfield must be true, OR
  2. 2The account phone number must be 1234.
In this case, the parentheses group the first two tests so they are evaluated as a single unit.
In the following example, the parentheses cause this expression to be evaluated differently:
(Account.Type = 'Analyst') && (Account.testfield__c= true || Account.Phone ='1234')
Here, the same criteria means that:
  1. 1The account type must be Analyst AND
  2. 2Either the testfield must be true OR the account phone must be 1234.


Use the Notes tab to add information that you or other developers might need. The Notes you enter display only at design time. The guide or process users or consumers do not see the notes. For example, you might add a reminder about something that needs to be done before you deploy a process or guide.