To read data from Ariba, configure an Ariba V2 object as a Source transformation in a mapping task. Ariba V2 Connector supports all export ITK operations as source objects in a mapping task.
The following table describes the Ariba V2 source properties that you can configure in a Source transformation:
Name of the source connection.
The export ITK operation that you want to use as a source object.
The following table describes the advanced source properties that you can configure in a Source transformation:
Cache Size for Web Service Response (KB)
Not applicable.
Note: Do not change the value of this property unless Informatica Global Customer Support instructs you to do so.
The following table describes the Request Options that you can configure in a Source transformation:
Request Message
Request message for the operation that you want to perform in Ariba.
The request message is in XML format. You can copy and paste the request message from the Request Message Template.
Date filter
You can use the date filter for export ITK operations to read transactional data. You must specify the fromDate and toDate in the date filter for transactional data in one of the following formats:
- MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss
- MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss z
Where z represents the time zone.
- yyyy-MM-dd
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z
Where z represents the time zone.
Note: Informatica recommends not to specify the time zone. The time zone is automatically updated based on the time zone of the machine where the Secure Agent is installed.
Ariba does not support date filter for master data.
Field mapping in a Source transformation
On the Response Mapping tab, you can view the metadata hierarchy in response structure. The Secure Agent fetches the metadata from the sheet corresponding to the operation in the data dictionary. Each CSV file is added as a separate hierarchical group of fields based on the hierarchy in the data dictionary.
Ariba V2 Connector uses a heuristic approach to identify the primary key (_PK) for the parent CSV file and the foreign key (_FK) for each child CSV that helps you handle the data for all the downstream operations. When you map the elements from the response structure to the output fields, the Secure Agent creates the output groups, along with the primary and foreign keys for the field names.
Ariba V2 targets in mappings and mapping tasks
To write data to Ariba, configure an Ariba V2 object as a Target transformation in a mapping task. Ariba V2 Connector supports all import ITK operations as target objects in a mapping task.
The following table describes the Ariba V2 target properties that you can configure in a Target transformation:
Name of the target connection.
The import ITK operation that you want to use as a target object.
The following table describes the advanced target properties that you can configure in a Target transformation:
Cache Size for Web Service Request (KB)
Memory available for the web service request. If the web service request contains large volume of hierarchical data, you might want to increase the cache size.