Property | Description |
Connection Name | Name of the connection. Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -, Maximum length is 255 characters. |
Description | Description of the connection. Maximum length is 4000 characters. |
Type | FHIR |
Runtime Environment | Name of the runtime environment where you want to run tasks. Select a Secure Agent. |
Host | Host name or IP address of the FHIR server, including the port number. Enter the value in the following format, where host_name can be a host name or IP address: host_name:port_number |
HTTP Method | HTTP method used to send requests. Select one of the following HTTP methods:
Default is HTTP. |
Connection Timeout | Maximum number of seconds to wait when attempting to connect to the server. A timeout occurs if a successful connection doesn't occur in the specified amount of time. If the value is 0 or blank, the wait time is infinite. Default is 30 seconds. |
Keep Alive | Indicates whether to keep the connection open for multiple HTTP requests or responses. Default is true. |
Follow Redirects | Indicates whether to follow redirect links when creating a connection. Default is true. |
Connection Retry Attempts | Number of times to retry connecting to the FHIR server if a successful connection doesn't occur. This setting applies to both the initial connection and any reconnect attempts due to lost connections. Default is 0. |
Connection Retry Interval | Number of seconds to wait between each connection retry attempt. For example, to retry to connect up to 10 times with a five-second delay between retries, set Connection Retry Attempts to 10 and Connection Retry Interval to 5. Default is 0. |
Base Path | Base path for the FHIR server. The initial URL segment of the API. |
Test Connection Resource Path | Resource path to append to the base path to test the connection. |
Content Type | Media type of the request. Select one of the following options:
Accept | Media type of the response. Select one of the following options:
Additional Headers | Additional headers that the connection requires. Define headers in JSON format. For example: [{"Name":"Content-Type","Value":"application/fhir+json"},{"Name":"accept","Value":"text/xml"}] |
Authentication Type | Authentication method that the connector must use to connect to the REST endpoint. You can use one of the following options:
Default is None. |
Trust Store File Path | Absolute path of the truststore file that contains the TLS certificate to establish a one-way or two-way secure connection with the REST API. Ensure that the truststore file is in .jks format. Specify a directory path that is available on each Secure Agent machine in the runtime environment. |
Trust Store Password | Password for the truststore file that contains the SSL certificate. |
Key Store File Path | Absolute path of the keystore file that contains the keys and certificates required to establish a two-way secure communication with the REST API. Ensure that the keystore file is in .jks format. Specify a directory path that is available on each Secure Agent machine in the runtime environment. |
Key Store Password | Password for the keystore file required for secure communication. |
Proxy Type | Type of proxy. You can select one of the following options:
Not applicable when you use a serverless runtime environment. |
Proxy Config | Host name or IP address of the proxy server, including the port number. Enter the value in the following format, where host_name can be a host name or IP address: host_name:port_number |
Property | Description |
Auth User ID | User name to log in to the web service application. |
Auth Password | Password associated with the user name. |
Property | Description |
Authorization Token URL | Authorization server URL configured in your application. |
Access Token URL | Access token URL configured in your application. |
Client ID | Client ID of your application. |
Client Secret | Client secret of your application. |
Scope | Specifies access control if the API endpoint defines custom scopes. Separate scope attributes using a space. For example: root_readonly root_readwrite manage_app_users |
Access Token Parameters | Additional parameters to use with the access token URL. Define parameters in JSON format. For example: [{"Name":"resource","Value":"https://<serverName>"}] |
Authorization Code Parameters | Additional parameters to use with the authorization token URL. Define parameters in JSON format. For example: [{"Name":"max_age","Value":60},{"Name":"state","Value":"test"}] |
Client Authentication | Select an option to send the client ID and client secret for authorization either in the request body or in the request header. Default is Send Client Credentials in Body. |
Access Token | Enter the access token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value. To generate the access token through a proxy server, configure an unauthenticated proxy server on the Secure Agent. The FHIR connection-level proxy configuration doesn't apply when generating the access token. |
Refresh Token | Enter the refresh token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the refresh token value. If the access token is not valid or expires, the Secure Agent generates a new access token through the refresh token. If the refresh token expires, you must either enter a valid refresh token or generate a new refresh token by clicking Generate Access Token. |
Property | Description |
Access Token URL | Access token URL configured in your application. |
Client ID | Client ID of your application. |
Client Secret | Client secret of your application. |
Scope | Specifies access control if the API endpoint defines custom scopes. Separate scope attributes using a space. For example: root_readonly root_readwrite manage_app_users |
Access Token Parameters | Additional parameters to use with the access token URL. Define parameters in JSON format. For example: [{"Name":"resource","Value":"https://<serverName>"}] |
Client Authentication | Select an option to send the client ID and client secret for authorization either in the request body or in the request header. Default is Send Client Credentials in Body. |
Access Token | Enter the access token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value. To generate the access token through a proxy server, configure an unauthenticated proxy server on the Secure Agent. The FHIR connection-level proxy configuration doesn't apply when generating the access token. |
Property | Description |
Access Key | Access key ID used to access Amazon resources. |
Secret Key | Secret key used to access Amazon resources. |
AWS Region | Name of the region where the FHIR server is available. For example: us-east-1 |
Service Name | AWS service name to make the request to, such as healthlake. |
Session Token | Optional. AWS session token. |