FHIR Connector > Connections for FHIR > Connect to FHIR

Connect to FHIR

Let's configure the FHIR connection properties to connect to a FHIR server.

Connection details

The following table describes the basic connection properties:
Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -,
Maximum length is 255 characters.
Description of the connection. Maximum length is 4000 characters.
Runtime Environment
Name of the runtime environment where you want to run tasks. Select a Secure Agent.
Host name or IP address of the FHIR server, including the port number.
Enter the value in the following format, where host_name can be a host name or IP address:
HTTP Method
HTTP method used to send requests.
Select one of the following HTTP methods:
  • - HTTP
  • - HTTPS
Default is HTTP.
Connection Timeout
Maximum number of seconds to wait when attempting to connect to the server. A timeout occurs if a successful connection doesn't occur in the specified amount of time.
If the value is 0 or blank, the wait time is infinite.
Default is 30 seconds.
Keep Alive
Indicates whether to keep the connection open for multiple HTTP requests or responses.
Default is true.
Follow Redirects
Indicates whether to follow redirect links when creating a connection.
Default is true.
Connection Retry Attempts
Number of times to retry connecting to the FHIR server if a successful connection doesn't occur. This setting applies to both the initial connection and any reconnect attempts due to lost connections.
Default is 0.
Connection Retry Interval
Number of seconds to wait between each connection retry attempt.
For example, to retry to connect up to 10 times with a five-second delay between retries, set Connection Retry Attempts to 10 and Connection Retry Interval to 5.
Default is 0.
Base Path
Base path for the FHIR server. The initial URL segment of the API.
Test Connection Resource Path
Resource path to append to the base path to test the connection.
Content Type
Media type of the request.
Select one of the following options:
  • - application/fhir+xml
  • - application/fhir+json
  • - application/xml
  • - application/json
Media type of the response.
Select one of the following options:
  • - application/fhir+xml
  • - application/fhir+json
  • - application/xml
  • - application/json
Additional Headers
Additional headers that the connection requires.
Define headers in JSON format. For example:
Authentication Type
Authentication method that the connector must use to connect to the REST endpoint.
You can use one of the following options:
Default is None.
Trust Store File Path
Absolute path of the truststore file that contains the TLS certificate to establish a one-way or two-way secure connection with the REST API.
Ensure that the truststore file is in .jks format. Specify a directory path that is available on each Secure Agent machine in the runtime environment.
Trust Store Password
Password for the truststore file that contains the SSL certificate.
Key Store File Path
Absolute path of the keystore file that contains the keys and certificates required to establish a two-way secure communication with the REST API.
Ensure that the keystore file is in .jks format. Specify a directory path that is available on each Secure Agent machine in the runtime environment.
Key Store Password
Password for the keystore file required for secure communication.
Proxy Type
Type of proxy.
You can select one of the following options:
  • - No Proxy. Bypasses the proxy server configured at the agent or the connection level.
  • - Platform Proxy. Considers the proxy configured at the agent level.
  • - Custom Proxy. Considers the proxy configured at the connection level.
Not applicable when you use a serverless runtime environment.
Proxy Config
Host name or IP address of the proxy server, including the port number.
Enter the value in the following format, where host_name can be a host name or IP address:

Authentication types

You can configure basic, OAuth 2.0 authorization code, OAuth 2.0 client credentials, or AWS signature authentication to access the FHIR server.
Select the required authentication method and then configure the authentication-specific parameters.

Basic authentication

Basic authentication requires the user name and password from the FHIR server.
The following table describes the connection properties for basic authentication:
Auth User ID
User name to log in to the web service application.
Auth Password
Password associated with the user name.

OAuth 2.0 authorization code authentication

Configure authentication properties in the FHIR connection to use an OAuth 2.0 authorization code.
To use authorization code authentication, register the following Informatica redirect URL in your application:
https://<Informatica cloud hosting facility for your
If the access token expires and you receive error code 400, 401, or 403 in the response, the Informatica redirect URL tries to connect to the endpoint and retrieve a new access token. Note that the Informatica redirect URL is usually outside the organization firewall.
The following table describes the authentication properties for a FHIR connection that uses an OAuth 2.0 authorization code:
Authorization Token URL
Authorization server URL configured in your application.
Access Token URL
Access token URL configured in your application.
Client ID
Client ID of your application.
Client Secret
Client secret of your application.
Specifies access control if the API endpoint defines custom scopes. Separate scope attributes using a space.
For example: root_readonly root_readwrite manage_app_users
Access Token Parameters
Additional parameters to use with the access token URL. Define parameters in JSON format.
For example: [{"Name":"resource","Value":"https://<serverName>"}]
Authorization Code Parameters
Additional parameters to use with the authorization token URL. Define parameters in JSON format.
For example: [{"Name":"max_age","Value":60},{"Name":"state","Value":"test"}]
Client Authentication
Select an option to send the client ID and client secret for authorization either in the request body or in the request header.
Default is Send Client Credentials in Body.
Access Token
Enter the access token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value.
To generate the access token through a proxy server, configure an unauthenticated proxy server on the Secure Agent. The FHIR connection-level proxy configuration doesn't apply when generating the access token.
Refresh Token
Enter the refresh token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the refresh token value. If the access token is not valid or expires, the Secure Agent generates a new access token through the refresh token.
If the refresh token expires, you must either enter a valid refresh token or generate a new refresh token by clicking Generate Access Token.

OAuth 2.0 client credentials authentication

Configure authentication properties in the FHIR connection to use OAuth 2.0 client credentials.
The following table describes the authentication properties for a FHIR connection that uses OAuth 2.0 client credentials:
Access Token URL
Access token URL configured in your application.
Client ID
Client ID of your application.
Client Secret
Client secret of your application.
Specifies access control if the API endpoint defines custom scopes. Separate scope attributes using a space.
For example: root_readonly root_readwrite manage_app_users
Access Token Parameters
Additional parameters to use with the access token URL. Define parameters in JSON format.
For example: [{"Name":"resource","Value":"https://<serverName>"}]
Client Authentication
Select an option to send the client ID and client secret for authorization either in the request body or in the request header.
Default is Send Client Credentials in Body.
Access Token
Enter the access token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value.
To generate the access token through a proxy server, configure an unauthenticated proxy server on the Secure Agent. The FHIR connection-level proxy configuration doesn't apply when generating the access token.

AWS signature authentication

AWS signature authentication provides secure access to a FHIR server hosted on AWS.
The following table describes the AWS signature authentication properties for a FHIR connection:
Access Key
Access key ID used to access Amazon resources.
Secret Key
Secret key used to access Amazon resources.
AWS Region
Name of the region where the FHIR server is available. For example: us-east-1
Service Name
AWS service name to make the request to, such as healthlake.
Session Token
Optional. AWS session token.