Perform the following tasks to create a synchronization task in Data Integration.
Note: You need to create a connection before you create a synchronization task.
Using FileIo as Source
Let us consider the task operation Insert to perform the synchronization task.
1In Data Integration, click New > Tasks.
2Select Synchronization Tasks, and click Create.
The Definition tab appears.
3Specify the Task Name, provide a Description and select Insert as the Task Operation.
4Click Next.
The Source tab appears.
5In the Source tab, select FileIo as the Connection and read as the Source Object.
6Click Next.
7In the Target tab, select Connection Salesforce and Target Object Attachment.
8Click Next.
9In Data Filters tab by default, Process all rows is selected by default. See Using FileIo as Target.
10Click Next.
11In the Field Mapping tab, map source fields to target fields accordingly.
12Click Next.
The Schedule tab appears.
13In Schedule tab, you can schedule the task as per the requirement, and save.
14Click Save and then Finish.
15From the Explore page, select the task, and click Actions > Run.
In Monitor, you can monitor the status of the logs after you run the task.
Using FileIo as Target
When you use FileIo as a Target connection, follow the same procedures mentioned above to setup a synchronization task.
1In the Definition tab, mention the generic details of the task.
2In the Source tab, select Salesforce as the Connection and Attachment as the Source Object.
3In the Target tab, select Connection FileIo and Write as the Target object.
4In the Data Filters tab, Process all rows is selected by default. See Data Filters.
5In the Field Mapping tab, map source fields to target fields accordingly.
•File Directory Field: By default, the file will be written to the directory that is selected as the target object. If you wish to overwrite the default target directory, map a valid directory to the FileDirectory field.
•FileCheckSum Field: If you wish, map the MD5 checksum of the file you want to write. This field will help to verify whether the content of the file is not modified.
And then follow the procedures provided in Creating Synchronization Task (DSS) to proceed further.