As a user, you can use Power BI Connector after the organization administrator performs the following tasks:
•You must have the storage account name and the storage account key for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. You must provide the values of the storage account name and the storage account key when you create the Power BI connection.
•Verify that you have a container in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
•Generate a Power BI access token and Power BI refresh token.
2In the Dashboard, select the Azure key vault that you created.
The Azure key vault page appears.
3On the Settings sections, click Secrets > Generat/Import.
The Create a secret page appears.
4Provide the following details to create the Azure key secret:
Upload Options
Select the type of upload.
Enter the name of the Azure key secret that you want to create.
Enter the value for the Azure key secret. Enter the value in the following format:
{ "storageDetails": { "containerName": "The container name of the dataflow", "accountName": "The storage account name you created above", "accountKey": "The account key for the storage account you created above" }, "allowedPrincipals": [ { "$type": "upn", "upn": "the UPN of the Power BI user you will call Power BI APIs on behalf of", "tenantId": "the tenant ID of the Power BI user you will call the API on behalf of" } ] }
Note: UPN is the email ID that is associated with the Azure subscription.