Power BI Connector > Introduction to Power BI Connector > Administration of Power BI Connector

Administration of Power BI Connector

As a user, you can use Power BI Connector after the organization administrator performs the following tasks:

Creating Azure Key Vault

You must create an Azure key vault to create an external data flow on the Power BI Online to view the data.
Perform the following steps to create an Azure key vault:
  1. 1Log in to the following Microsoft Azure URL: https://portal.azure.com/
  2. 2Click All Services.
  3. The All Services page appears.
  4. 3Enter Key vaults in the Search field.
  5. 4Click Key vaults.
  6. The Key vaults page appears.
  7. 5Click Add.
  8. The Create key vault dialog box appears.
  9. 6Provide the following details to create the key vault:
  10. Properties
    Enter the name of the key vault that you want to create.
    Select the subscription type.
    Select the Pay-As-You-Go option.
    Resource Group
    You can create or use an existing resource group.
    Select the location where you want to create the key vault.
    Pricing Tier
    Select the required pricing tier.
    Access Policies
    Add the access policies to assign users the permissions after you create the key vault.
    Virtual Network Access (preview)
    Select the network that can access the key vault.
    Default value is All network can access.
    Note: You must select the All network can access default value.
  11. 7Click Create.
  12. The newly created key vault page appears.
  13. 8In the Settings sections, click Access Policies.
  14. 9Click Add New.
  15. 10Search for user name that you used to login to the Microsoft Azure portal and select the user name.
  16. You must also add the Power BI Service application.
  17. 11Select Access control (IAM) from the left panel.
  18. The Access control (IAM) tab appears.
  19. 12Select the Power BI Service in the Reader section.
  20. The Add permissions dialog box appears.
  21. 13Provide the following details in the Add permissions dialog box:
  22. Properties
    Select Reader as the role.
    Assign access to
    Select Azure AD user, group, or application.
    Select PowerBI service.
  23. 14Click Save.
  24. 15Provide the Key permissions, Secret permissions, and Certificate permissions for the newly added user, application, and service.
  25. 16Click OK.
Note: You can also refer to the following link that describes how to create an Azure key vault: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/quick-create-portal

Creating Azure Key Secret

You must create an Azure key secret to create an external data flow on the Power BI Online to view the data.
Perform the following steps to create an Azure key secret:
  1. 1Log in to the following Microsoft Azure URL: https://portal.azure.com/
  2. 2In the Dashboard, select the Azure key vault that you created.
  3. The Azure key vault page appears.
  4. 3On the Settings sections, click Secrets > Generat/Import.
  5. The Create a secret page appears.
  6. 4Provide the following details to create the Azure key secret:
  7. Properties
    Upload Options
    Select the type of upload.
    Enter the name of the Azure key secret that you want to create.
    Enter the value for the Azure key secret. Enter the value in the following format:
    "storageDetails": {
    "containerName": "The container name of the dataflow",
    "accountName": "The storage account name you created above",
    "accountKey": "The account key for the storage account you created above"
    "allowedPrincipals": [
    "$type": "upn",
    "upn": "the UPN of the Power BI user you will call Power BI APIs on behalf of",
    "tenantId": "the tenant ID of the Power BI user you will call the API on behalf of"
    Note: UPN is the email ID that is associated with the Azure subscription.
    Content Type
    Optional. Enter the type of the content.
    Set Activation Date
    Set the activation date for the Azure key secret.
    Set Expiration Date
    Set the expiration date for the Azure key secret.
    Select to enable the Azure key secret.
  8. 5Click Create.
Note: You can also refer to the following link that describes how to create an Azure key secret: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/quick-create-portal