Property | Description |
Connection Name | Name of the connection. Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -, Maximum length is 255 characters. |
Description | Description of the connection. Maximum length is 4000 characters. |
Type | REST V2 |
Runtime Environment | Name of the runtime environment where you want to run tasks. Select a Secure Agent, Hosted Agent, or serverless runtime environment. |
Property | Description |
Authentication Type | The authentication type that you can use when you select the Standard authentication. You can select one of the following authentication types:
Default is NONE. |
Auth User ID | The user name to log in to the web service application when you select the standard authentication. Required for Basic authentication type. |
Auth Password | The password associated with the user name when you select the standard authentication. Required for Basic authentication type. |
OAuth Consumer Key | The client key associated with the web service application. Required only for OAuth authentication type. |
OAuth Consumer Secret | The client password to connect to the web service application. Required only for OAuth authentication type. |
OAuth Token | The access token to connect to the web service application. Required only for OAuth authentication type. |
OAuth Token Secret | The password associated with the OAuth token. Required only for OAuth authentication type. |
Swagger File Path | The path of the Swagger file or OpenAPI file. You can specify one of the following file paths:
For example, the path of the Swagger file can be: C:\Swagger\sampleSwagger.json The user must have the read permission for the folder and the file. |
Property | Description |
Access Token URL | Access token URL configured in your application. |
Client ID | Client ID of your application. |
Client Secret | Client secret of your application. |
Scope | Specifies access control if the API endpoint has defined custom scopes. Enter scope attributes, each separated by a space. For example: root_readonly root_readwrite manage_app_users |
Access Token Parameters | Additional parameters to use with the access token URL. Define the parameters in the JSON format. For example, [{"Name":"resource","Value":"https://<serverName>"}] |
Client Authentication | Select an option to send the client ID and client secret for authorization either in the request body or in the request header. Default is Send Client Credentials in Body. |
Generate Access Token | Generates an access token based on the information provided in the above fields. |
Access Token | The access token value. Enter the access token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value. To pass the generate access token call through a proxy server, you must configure an unauthenticated proxy server in the Secure Agent properties. The proxy configured in the connection configuration does not apply to the generate access token call. |
Swagger File Path | The path of the Swagger file or OpenAPI file. You can specify one of the following file paths:
For example, the path of the swagger file can be: C:\swagger\sampleSwagger.json The user must have the read permission for the folder and the file. |
Property | Description |
Authorization Token URL | Authorization server URL configured in your application. |
Access Token URL | Access token URL configured in your application. |
Client ID | Client ID of your application. |
Client Secret | Client secret of your application. |
Scope | Specifies access control if the API endpoint has defined custom scopes. Enter scope attributes, each separated by a space. For example, root_readonly root_readwrite manage_app_users |
Access Token Parameters | Additional parameters to use with the access token URL. Define the parameters in the JSON format. For example, [{"Name":"resource","Value":"https://<serverName>"}] |
Authorization Code Parameters | Additional parameters to use with the authorization token URL. Define the parameters in the JSON format. For example, [{"Name":"max_age","Value":60},{"Name":"state","Value":"test"}] |
Client Authentication | Select an option to send the client ID and client secret for authorization either in the request body or in the request header. Default is Send Client Credentials in Body. |
Generate Access Token | Generates an access token and refreshes the token based on the information provided in the above fields. |
Access Token | The access token value. Enter the access token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value. To pass the generate access token call through a proxy server, you must configure an unauthenticated proxy server in the Secure Agent properties. The proxy configured in the connection configuration does not apply to the generate access token call. |
Refresh Token | The refresh token value. Enter the refresh token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the refresh token value. If the access token is not valid or expires, the Secure Agent fetches a new access token with the help of refresh token. If the refresh token expires, you must either provide a valid refresh token or regenerate a new refresh token by clicking Generate Access Token. |
Swagger File Path | The path of the Swagger file or OpenAPI file. You can specify one of the following file paths:
For example, the path of the swagger file can be: C:\swagger\sampleSwagger.json The user must have the read permission for the folder and the file. |
Property | Description |
JWT Header | JWT header in JSON format. Sample: { "alg":"RS256", "kid":"xxyyzz" } You can configure HS256 and RS256 algorithms. |
JWT Payload | JWT payload in JSON format. Sample: { "iss":"abc", "sub":"678", "aud":"", "box_sub_type":"enterprise", "exp":"120", "jti":"3ee9364e" } The expiry time represented as exp is the relative time in seconds. The expiry time is calculated in the UTC format from the token issuer time (iat). When iat is defined in the payload and the expiry time is reached, mappings and Generate Access Token fails. To generate a new access token, you must provide a valid iat in the payload. If iat is not defined in the payload, the expiry time is calculated from the current timestamp. To pass the expiry time as a string value, enclose the value with double quotes. For example: "exp":"120" To pass the expiry time as an integer value, do not enclose the value with double quotes. For example, "exp":"120" |
Authorization Server | Access token URL configured in your application. |
KeyStore File Path | The absolute path of the keystore file that contains the keys and certificates required to establish a two-way secure communication with the REST API. Specify a directory path that is available on each Secure Agent machine. You can also configure the keystore file name and path as a JVM option or import the certificate to any directory. For the serverless runtime environment, specify the keystore file path in the serverless agent directory. For example, /home/cldagnt/SystemAgent/serverless/configurations/ssl_store/<cert_name>.jks |
KeyStore Password | The password for the keystore file required for a secure communication. You can also configure the keystore password as a JVM option. |
Private Key Alias | Alias name of the private key used to sign the JWT payload. |
Private Key Password | The password for the keystore file required for a secure communication. The private key password must be same as the keystore password. |
Access Token | The access token value. Enter the access token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value. To pass the generate access token call through a proxy server, you must configure an unauthenticated proxy server in the Secure Agent properties. The proxy configured in the connection configuration does not apply to the generate access token call. |
Swagger File Path | The path of the Swagger file or OpenAPI file. You can specify one of the following file paths:
For example, the path of the swagger file can be: C:\swagger\sampleSwagger.json The user must have the read permission for the folder and the file. |
Property | Description |
Authorization Advanced Properties | Additional parameters to use with the access token URL. Parameters must be defined in the JSON format. For example, [\{"Name":"client_id","Value":"abc"},\{"Name":"client_secret","Value":"abc"}] |
TrustStore File Path | The absolute path of the truststore file that contains the TLS certificate to establish a one-way or two-way secure connection with the REST API. Specify a directory path that is available on each Secure Agent machine. You can also configure the truststore file name and password as a JVM option or import the certificate to the following directory: <Secure Agent installation directory\jre\lib\security\cacerts. For the serverless runtime environment, specify the truststore file path in the serverless agent directory. For example, /home/cldagnt/SystemAgent/serverless/configurations/ssl_store/<cert_name>.jks |
TrustStore Password | The password for the truststore file that contains the SSL certificate. You can also configure the truststore password as a JVM option. |
Proxy Type | Type of proxy. Select one of the following options:
Proxy Configuration | The format required to configure proxy. You can configure proxy using the following format: <host>:<port> You cannot configure an authenticated proxy server. |
Advanced Fields | Enter the arguments that the agent uses when connecting to a REST endpoint. When you specify multiple arguments, separate each argument by a semicolon. For example, connectiondelaytime:10000;retryattempts:5 You can specify the following arguments:
Default is the timeout defined in the endpoint API. Note: If you define both the REST V2 connection timeout and the endpoint API timeout, the connection ends at the shortest defined timeout. Default is 10000. Default is 3. Specify 0 to disable the retry attempts. Default is false. |
Property | Description |
Key | The unique API key that REST V2 Connector uses to authenticate the API calls made to the REST endpoint. |
Value | The value corresponding to the API key that is required to make the API calls. |
Add API Key to | Determines if the API key and its corresponding value must be sent as a request header or a query parameter to make API calls to the REST endpoint. Select one of the following options:
Swagger File Path | The path of the Swagger file or OpenAPI file. You can specify one of the following file paths:
For example, the path of the swagger file can be: C:\swagger\sampleSwagger.json The user must have the read permission for the folder and the file. |
Property | Description |
TrustStore File Path | The absolute path of the truststore file that contains the TLS certificate to establish a one-way or two-way secure connection with the REST API. Specify a directory path that is available on each Secure Agent machine. You can also configure the truststore file name and password as a JVM option or import the certificate to the following directory: <Secure Agent installation directory\jre\lib\security\cacerts. For the serverless runtime environment, specify the truststore file path in the serverless agent directory. For example, /home/cldagnt/SystemAgent/serverless/configurations/ssl_store/<cert_name>.jks |
TrustStore Password | The password for the truststore file that contains the SSL certificate. You can also configure the truststore password as a JVM option. |
KeyStore File Path | The absolute path of the keystore file that contains the keys and certificates required to establish a two-way secure communication with the REST API. Specify a directory path that is available on each Secure Agent machine. You can also configure the keystore file name and path as a JVM option or import the certificate to any directory. For the serverless runtime environment, specify the keystore file path in the serverless agent directory. For example, /home/cldagnt/SystemAgent/serverless/configurations/ssl_store/<cert_name>.jks |
KeyStore Password | The password for the keystore file required for secure communication. You can also configure the keystore password as a JVM option. |
Proxy Type | Type of proxy. Select one of the following options:
Proxy Configuration | The format required to configure proxy. Configure proxy using the following format: <host>:<port> You cannot configure an authenticated proxy server. |
Advanced Fields | Enter the arguments that the agent uses when connecting to a REST endpoint. When you specify multiple arguments, separate each argument by a semicolon. For example, connectiondelaytime:10000;retryattempts:5 You can specify the following arguments:
Default is the timeout defined in the endpoint API. Note: If you define both the REST V2 connection timeout and the endpoint API timeout, the connection ends at the shortest defined timeout. Default is 10000. Default is 3. Specify 0 to disable the retry attempts. Default is false. Default is true. |