Property | Description |
Connection | Select the source connection, or click New Connection to create one. Alternatively, you can define a connection parameter in the mapping and enter a specific connection in each mapping task that is associated with the mapping. |
Source type | Type of the source object. Select one of the following types:
Object | Name of the source object. Select the source object for a single source. When you select the multiple source objects option, you can add multiple related source objects and configure relationships between them. You can use existing relationships or custom relationships to join multiple source objects. When you create a custom relationship for Teradata objects, you can select the type of join and the source fields to use. If you select Parameter, create or select the parameter for the source object. |
Advanced Property | Description |
Driver Tracing Level | Determines Teradata PT API tracing at the driver level:
Default is TD_OFF. |
Infrastructure Tracing Level | Determines Teradata PT API tracing at the infrastructure level:
Default is TD_OFF. You must enable the driver tracing level before you can enable the infrastructure tracing level. |
Trace File Name | File name and path of the Teradata PT API trace file. Default path is $PM_HOME. Default file name is <Name of the TPT Operator>_timestamp. For example, EXPORTER_20091221. |
Query Band Expression | The query band expression to be passed to the Teradata PT API. A query band expression is a set of name-value pairs that identify a query’s originating source. In the expression, each name-value pair is separated by a semicolon and the expression ends with a semicolon. For example, ApplicationName=Informatica;Version=9.0.1;ClientUser=A;. |
Spool Mode | Determines the spool mode Teradata PT API uses to extract data from Teradata. You can select one of the following spool modes:
Default is Spool. |
SQL Override Query | The SQL statement to override the default query used to read data from the Teradata source. The data type, number, and order of columns in the select clause must match with the Teradata source object. |
Select Distinct | Selects distinct rows and eliminates duplicate rows. |
Tracing Level | Determines the amount of detail that appears in the log for the source. you can choose Terse, Normal, Verbose Initialization, or Verbose Data tracing level. Default is Normal. |
Property | Description |
Connection | Select the target connection, or click New Connection to create one. Alternatively, you can define a connection parameter in the mapping and enter a specific connection in each mapping task that is associated with the mapping. |
Target Type | Type of the target object. Select Single Object or Parameter. |
Object | Name of the target object. Select one of the following types:
If you select Parameter, create or select the parameter for the target object. |
Operation | Target operation. Select Insert, Update, Upsert, Delete, or Data Driven. Note: When you define a DD_UPDATE expression in the data driven condition, ensure that you map the NOT NULL columns. |
Property | Description |
Update Else Insert | Teradata PT API updates existing rows and inserts other rows as if marked for update. If disabled, Teradata PT API updates existing rows only. The Secure Agent ignores this attribute when you treat source rows as inserts or deletes. Default is disabled. |
Truncate Table | Teradata PT API deletes all rows in the Teradata target before it loads data. Default is disabled. |
Mark Missing Rows | Specifies how Teradata PT API handles rows that do not exist in the target table:
Default is None. |
Mark Duplicate Rows | Specifies how Teradata PT API handles duplicate rows when it attempts to insert or update rows in the target table:
This attribute is available for the Update and Stream system operators. Default is For Insert. |
Mark Extra Rows | Specifies how Teradata PT API marks error rows when it attempts to update or delete multiple rows in the target table:
Default is Both. |
Log Database | Name of the database that stores the log tables. |
Log Table Name | Name of the restart log table. |
Error Database | Name of the database that stores the error tables. |
Error Table Name1 | Name of the first error table. |
Error Table Name2 | Name of the second error table. |
Work Table Database | Name of the database that stores the work tables. |
Work Table Name | Name of the work table. |
Macro Database | Name of the database that stores the macros Teradata PT API creates when you select the Stream system operator. The Stream system operator uses macros to modify tables. It creates macros before Teradata PT API begins loading data and removes them from the database after Teradata PT API loads all rows to the target. If you do not specify a macro database, Teradata PT API stores the macros in the log database. |
Drop Log/Error/Work Tables | Drops existing log, error, and work tables for a session when the session starts. Default is disabled. |
Serialize | Uses the Teradata PT API serialize mechanism to reduce locking overhead when you select the Stream system operator. Default is enabled. |
Pack | Number of statements to pack into a request when you select the Stream system operator. Must be a positive, nonzero integer. Default is 20. Minimum is 1. Maximum is 600. |
Pack Maximum | Causes Teradata PT API to determine the maximum number of statements to pack into a request when you select the Stream system operator. Default is disabled. |
Buffers | Determines the maximum number of request buffers that may be allocated for the Teradata PT API job when you select the Stream system operator. Teradata PT API determines the maximum number of request buffers according to the following formula: Max_Request_Buffers = Buffers * Number_Connected_Sessions Must be a positive, nonzero integer. Default is 3. Minimum is 2. |
Error Limit | Maximum number of records that can be stored in the error table before Teradata PT API terminates the Stream system operator job. Must be -1 or a positive, nonzero integer. Default is -1, which specifies an unlimited number of records. |
Replication Override | Specifies how Teradata PT API overrides the normal replication services controls for an active Teradata PT API session:
Default is None. |
Driver Tracing Level | Determines Teradata PT API tracing at the driver level:
Default is TD_OFF. |
Infrastructure Tracing Level | Determines Teradata PT API tracing at the infrastructure level:
Default is TD_OFF. You must enable the driver tracing level before you can enable the infrastructure tracing level. |
Trace File Name | File name and path of the Teradata PT API trace file. Default path is $PM_HOME. Default file name is <Name of the TPT Operator>_timestamp. For example, LOAD_20091221. |
Pause Acquisition | Causes load operation to pause before the session loads data to the Teradata PT API target. Disable when you want to load the data to the target. Default is disabled. |
Query Band Expression | The query band expression to be passed to the Teradata PT API. A query band expression is a set of name-value pairs that identify a query’s originating source. In the expression, each name-value pair is separated by a semicolon and the expression ends with a semicolon. For example, ApplicationName=Informatica;Version=9.0.1;ClientUser=A;. |
Serialize Columns | Specifies an ordered list of columns that need to be serialized for the stream operator. Separate each column by semicolon. Use this option to serialize based on a single column or set of columns. You can specify a value when you enable the serialize mechanism. Default is blank. You can specify a value when you enable the serialize mechanism. |
Replacement Character | Character to use in place of an unsupported Teradata unicode character in the Teradata database while loading data to targets. You can enter one character. |
Database Version | Teradata database version. If you specified a character used in place of an unsupported character while loading data to Teradata targets, specify the version of the target Teradata database. Use this attribute in conjunction with the Replacement Character attribute. The Secure Agent ignores this attribute if you did not specify a replacement character while loading data to Teradata targets. Default is 8x-13x. |
System Operator | The Teradata PT API operator type. You can select one of the following options:
Default is Stream. |
Write Buffer Size | This property is applicable when you use the Load operator. Defines the maximum buffer size in kilobytes to be allocated to the Teradata PT API job for writing data. If you do not enter a value and you use TTU version 15.10 or 16.10, Teradata Connector sets the value as 1024 KB for optimal performance. This setting is in line with Teradata's recommendation. |
Success File Directory | Not applicable. |
Error File Directory | Not applicable. |
Forward Rejected Rows | Not applicable. |