Use this resource with the import resource to migrate objects from one organization to another.
Exporting objects includes a series of requests and responses. The end result is a ZIP file that contains the exported objects. To export objects, you perform the following tasks:
1Log in to the source organization.
2Send an objects GET request with query parameters to get a list of objects to export. Or, if you already know which objects you want to export, send a lookup GET request to get the object IDs for the objects that you want to export.
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services returns the object IDs.
Note: This resource uses a dynamic rate limit. When the system experiences a large volume or size of requests, responses might be slow or fail with the error message, "too many requests."
Starting an export job
Use a POST request to start an export job.
POST request
You can export objects such as assets, connections, Secure Agent configurations, and schedules. To specify the objects to export and start the export job, use the following URI:
Include the following fields in the request:
Name of the export job. If a name is not specified, the default name will be used in the following format: job-<currentTimeInMilliseconds>
Collection <complex type>
Object IDs for objects to export.
Note: Informatica recommends that you include no more than 1000 objects in an export file.
Included in the objects object.
Global unique identifier for the export object. This can be a project, folder, or asset ID.
Included in the objects object.
Determines whether to include dependent objects for the assets in the export.
Default is True.
If an asset includes tags, you can export the tags when you export the asset. To export asset tags, include the includeTagInformation request parameter in the POST request.
If you requested an export job log, the contents of the text file might be similar to the following example:
> OIE_002 INFO 2019-02-05T22:50:08.788Z Starting export operation. Execution Client: API Job Name: m_RegionTotalNew-1549407002393 Organization: infa2.doc RequestId: iklHoZTokKAiNO95Cw9NG3 User: janer2 > OIE_004 INFO 2019-02-05T22:50:09.042Z Successfully exported object [/SYS/_SYSTEM_PROJECT] of type [Project] id [5UrdDrgV5yKerYgtJAA4IU]> OIE_004 INFO 2019-02-05T22:50:09.042Z Successfully exported object [/Explore/Accounts] of type [Project] id [8Uyq1wiZ9lye2Sou5OCqOa] > OIE_004 INFO 2019-02-05T22:50:09.126Z Successfully exported object [/SYS/_SYSTEM_FOLDER] of type [Folder] id [b98UuC0ADGEkXxF9EIlUCZ] > OIE_004 INFO 2019-02-05T22:50:09.126Z Successfully exported object [/Explore/Accounts/February2018] of type [Folder] id [cojSZpHcqcafFy6YkCBgIl] > OIE_004 INFO 2019-02-05T22:50:09.354Z Successfully exported object [/SYS/TMS26W0864] of type [SAAS_RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT] id [6TKTNZ3wfIIjV5yBTJmYWO] > OIE_004 INFO 2019-02-05T22:50:09.504Z Successfully exported object [/SYS/ff] of type [SAAS_CONNECTION] id [7GgahDJzE9GbYb75xQ35GM] > OIE_004 INFO 2019-02-05T22:50:09.765Z Successfully exported object [/Explore/Accounts/February2018/m_RegionTotalNew] of type [MAPPING] id [4LiKwGKgegAixI2awqWgK1] > OIE_003 INFO 2019-02-05T22:50:09.843Z Finished export operation. Job Name: m_RegionTotalNew-1549407002393 Start Time: 2019-02-05T22:50:03.000Z End Time: 2019-02-05T22:50:09.765Z Started by: janer2 Start Method: API Source Organization: infa.doc Status: SUCCESSFUL
Downloading an export package
Use a GET request to download an export package.
GET request
To download the export package, use the following URI:
The <id> is the export job ID.
GET response
If successful, you receive the ZIP stream in the response body and the response type will be application/zip.
If unsuccessful, you might receive a response similar to the following example: