A tag is a task property that you can use to group tasks. Create tags to filter for tasks that share a common attribute on the Explore page.
For example, you want to identify all tasks that are maintained and run by your team. Create a tag for your team and apply it to your team's tasks.
A task can have up to 64 tags.
You can find all tasks that have a particular tag in one of the following ways:
•Click the name of the tag in the Tags column, in any row.
•Explore by tag, and in the list of tags that shows on the page, click the name of the tag.
The following image shows an Explore page that lists all the tags created for your organization:
Click the name of a tag to see a list of all tasks associated with the tag.
Creating and assigning tags
You can create multiple tags to assign to tasks. You can create tags to assign to a task when you configure the task properties, or you can create tags for future use without assigning them to a task.
1On the Explore page, navigate to the task that you want to tag.
You can select multiple tasks by clicking the checkboxes to the left of the task names.
2If you selected one task, in the row that contains the task, click Actions and select Properties.
If you selected multiple tasks, in the row that contains one of the tasks, click Actions and select Tags.
3Assign tags in either of the following ways:
- To assign an existing tag to the task, select the tag from the Tags list.
- To create a new tag and assign it, enter the tag name in the Tags field, and press Enter.
A tag can have a maximum of 255 characters and can't include these special characters:
# ? ' | { } " ^ & [ ] / \
This image shows the Tags field with some tags entered:
4If you want to create a tag for future use, add the tag and press Enter, but then click X next to the tag name so it doesn't get assigned to the task.
The tag still appears in the list of available tags, so you can select it for other tasks.
5Click Save.
Editing and deleting tags
You can edit or delete a tag on the Explore page.
Edit a tag name or description in the tag properties. When you edit a tag, all tasks that use the tag are updated to use the new name. If you delete a tag, the tag is removed from all tasks.
1On the Explore page, browse by tag.
2In the row that contains the tag, perform either of the following tasks:
- To edit the tag, click Actions and select Edit. After you make your changes, click Save.
- To delete the tag, click Actions and select Delete.