Connections > Mixpanel Connection > Mixpanel source properties

Mixpanel source properties

You can use a Mixpanel object as a source in a data loader task.
When you create a data loader task to read data from Mixpanel, specify the Mixpanel source properties and advanced options.
The following table describes the Mixpanel source properties:
Name of the source connection.
Select a source connection or create a new connection.
Source Path
The path to the directory that contains the source data.
Project ID
Required. The ID of the project in Mixpanel. The project ID is the number at the end of the access URL of the project.
Bookmark ID
The bookmark ID of the report.
Funnel ID
Required for the FunnelsQuerySavedReport object.
The Funnel ID in Mixpanel.
From Date
The start date from which you want to read the data for an object.
Specify the date in yyyy-mm-dd format.
To Date
The end date from which you want to read the data for an object.
Specify the date in yyyy-mm-dd format.
Retention Type
Required for the RetentionQueryretentionReport object.
The retention type of the users.
Select one of the following options:
  • - birth. To read data that corresponds to first time retention.
  • - compounded. To read data that corresponds to recurring retention
Addiction Unit
Required for the RetentionQueryfrequencyReport object.
The frequency of the events.
Select hour or day.
Required for the NumericallySum, NumericallyAverage, and QuerySegmentationReport objects.
The name of the event for which want get the data.
The format of the source data.
Specify json or csv.
Required for the NumericallySum and NumericallyAverage objects.
The expression to sum per unit time.
Distinct ID
Required for the ProfileEventActivity and TopEvents objects.
The distinct ID of the user profile.
Required for the RetentionQueryfrequencyReport object.
The overall time period to return frequency of actions.
Select day, week, or month.
Required for the TodaysTopEvents object.
The analysis type for the event.
Select general, unique, or average.

Rules and guidelines for primary key fields and watermark fields

When you read data from Amplitude, the primary key fields and watermark fields are not detected. You can manually define the primary key fields and watermark fields. The default values are Automatically detect from source and Watermark fields not required.