You can configure standard and authorization code authentication types to access Snowflake. Consider using authorization code authentication to connect more securely to Snowflake. Key pair and client credentials authentication types are not applicable.
Before you configure the connection properties, you need to keep the authentication details handy based on the authentication type that you want to use.
To connect to Snowflake using standard authentication, you need the Snowflake account user name and password.
Let's get the required details such as the Snowflake account name, warehouse, and role details from the Snowflake account.
The following image shows you where you can find the name of your Snowflake account:
The following image shows you where you can find the name of the warehouse and role details of your Snowflake account:
Authorization code
To connect to Snowflake using the OAuth 2.0 authorization code, you need the Snowflake client ID, authorization URL, access token URL, and access token.
To get the authorization details, you need to create an authorization integration in Snowflake, and register the Informatica redirect URL in Security Integration. Security Integration is a type of integration that enables clients that support OAuth to redirect users to an authorization page and generate access tokens, and optionally, refresh tokens to access Snowflake.
Register the following Informatica redirect URL in Security Integration:
https://<Informatica cloud hosting facility for your organization>/ma/proxy/oauthcallback
If the access token expires, Informatica redirect URL, which is outside the customer firewall, tries to connect to the endpoint and retrieves a new access token.
For more information about how to create a security integration and get the authorization details, see Create security integration in the Snowflake documentation.