If you want to create a data classification that is similar to an existing one, you can clone the existing data classification and modify the description or the inclusion rule.
To clone an existing data classification, perform the following steps:
1In Metadata Command Center, go to the Explore page.
2From the menu on the top of the page, select Data Classifications.
On this page, you can browse through all existing data classifications and view basic information about each.
3Select the data classification you want to clone and click Copy from the Action menu.
The overview page of the cloned data classification appears in advanced edit mode. The page displays the name, description, and the inclusion rule.
Note: The name of the classification has “copy” as suffix.
4You can rename the classification, update the description or just modify the data classification expression to update the inclusion rule. For data entity classifications, you can select or clear data element classifications depending on the entity you wish to identify.