To identify the semantics of data entities in a data set, create a data entity classification and associate it with a catalog source. Data entities are collections of data elements and are derived based on an inclusion scope.
To create a data entity classification, perform the following steps:
1In Metadata Command Center, click New.
2In the New dialog box, select Data Classification from the list in the left pane.
3Select Data Entity Classification, and click Create.
The New Data Classification window appears.
4In the General Information section, enter a name for the data classification. Optionally, enter a description.
5In the Inclusion Scope section, specify the following information:
aSelect the data element classifications depending on the entity you wish to identify. For example, to identify the 'Address' entity, you may select data elements such as 'Address Line1', 'Postcode', 'City', 'District'.
bFor the Include option, choose All if you want all the selected data element classifications to be present in the data for it to qualify as an entity classification. Or, choose Any and specify the number of data element classifications that should be present in the data for it to qualify as an entity classification. For example, if any three data element classifications from the selected classifications are identified in one or more columns of a table, then that table is classified as an 'Address' entity.
6Click Save after you define the inclusion scope.
On the Explore page, you can view all the saved data classifications sorted by their type.
After you create a data entity classification, you can associate it with a catalog source to identify data entities in a data set. To associate a data classification with a catalog source, enable the data classification capability for that catalog source. For more information about enabling this capability while creating a catalog source, see the Catalog Source Configuration help.