Administration > Configure workflows > Designing human tasks in Application Integration

Designing human tasks in Application Integration

A human intervention becomes necessary in business processes where a decision needs to be taken. For example, a human action is required for approvals. A human task needs a human intervention to get completed. Create a human task asset to define the user task to include in a business process. You can create and edit a human task definition in Application Integration.
You first configure the human task asset in Application Integration. The asset defines the human task, the users and roles that will have access to the human task, and the task outcome. You can add the human task asset to an Application Integration process by using a Human Task step.
When the process runs, the human task that gets generated is sent to the Ticket Manager page of Data Governance and Catalog. Based on the role assigned to you, you can use the Ticket Manager page to view the tasks assigned to you and take appropriate actions.
After the task is complete, the process receives a callback and continues with the subsequent steps. After a process completes, you can view the Human Task step execution details in Application Integration Console.

Creating human tasks

Use the human task asset to define the properties for the human task. When you create the asset, you can specify all the human task settings such as the task details, user or role assignments, input fields, and inbox display settings.
To create a human task asset, you perform the following steps:
  1. 1Define the basic human task asset details.
  2. 2Define the task administrators to make the human task valid.
  3. 3Configure the input fields to search for assets in Data Governance and Catalog.
  4. 4Configure the task outcomes.
  5. 5Configure the inbox display settings for the task.

Step 1. Defining a human task asset

On the Definitions tab of human task asset, you can specify a name to identify the task, location to store the task properties, description for the task, and priority for the task.
    1Log in to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
    The My Services page appears.
    2Click Application Integration.
    The following image shows the Application Integration box on the My Services page:
    The My Services page with the Application Integration selected.
    3In Application Integration, click New.
    The New Asset dialog box appears. The following image shows the New Asset dialog box: The New Asset dialog box with Process selected.
    4Select Human Task and click Create.
    The Definition tab appears as shown in the following image: A Human Task with the Definition tab selected. The Human Task contains Definition, Assignments, Fields, Outcomes, and Display Settings tabs.
    5Enter a name for the human task asset.
    6Use the default project or folder location or select a custom location. To select a custom location, click Browse, select a new location, and click Select.
    7Optionally, you can enter a description for the task.
    8Define the priority for the human task created by the process. The lesser the number, the higher the priority. You can specify a positive integer number. 0 for critical, 1 for high, 2 for medium, and 3 or above for low priority. The priority value doesn't have any behavioral impact for custom workflows.
    Note: You can ignore the Skippable option as it has no impact on custom workflow configuration.

Step 2. Defining task administrators

Define an administrator to make the human task valid.
Important: Do not configure Excluded Owners and Stakeholders when you design human tasks for custom workflows. If you configure users as Potential Owners in a human task, the users can be overridden by dynamically assigned roles configured in Metadata Command Center at run time. If you add a user as an Excluded Owner in a human task, the tasks will be assigned to the user and the users cannot be overridden by dynamically assigned roles at run time.
    1Click the Assignments tab.
    2Click the Administrators section.
    The following image shows the Administrators tab:A Human Task with Administrators in the Assignments tab.
    3Click + to add the users or roles from the list.
    4 Perform one of the following steps:
    You cannot add user groups as Administrators for human tasks in Application Integration. You need to add an administrator here only to meet the mandatory criteria for human tasks. This has no impact on custom workflow configuration as assignments happen dynamically. You can add user groups when you add stakeholders for assets in Data Governance and Catalog. For more information, see Creating assets and assigning stakeholders in the Data Governance and Catalog help.

Step 3. Configuring input fields to search for assets in Data Governance and Catalog

On the Fields tab of the human task asset, you can specify the input field properties such as the field name, field type, field description, and default values. Do not configure output fields.
Important: Custom workflow configuration doesn't support input and output fields defined for a human task. However, you can configure an input field of type Text to search for assets in Data Governance and Catalog. Each human task must have the asset name as an input field. Configure the input field as a dynamic parameter in the Subject field on the Display Settings tab. This will help you to search for the corresponding asset in Data Governance and Catalog.
    1Click the Fields tab.
    The Input Fields section appears. Define the asset name as an input field for the human task.
    The following image shows AssetName as an input field for a human task:
    A Human Task with the AssetName input field in the Fields tab.
    2Click + to add an input field.
    3Enter a name for the input field. Example: AssetName.
    4Optionally, enter a label for the input field.
    5Select Text from the Type list.
    6Optionally, enter a description for the field.
    7Optionally, in the Default Valuefield, enter the most used value for the field or provide guideline text about how to configure the field.
    8Optionally, click Required to set the input field as required for the task.

Step 4. Configuring task outcomes

On the Outcomes tab of the human task asset, you can specify how the task must be completed. You can create a list of possible decisions that a task owner can take on the task. For example, you can add Approve and Reject as possible outcomes for a task.
Important: Human tasks in the process must have at least one outcome. You can't select processes that include human tasks without outcomes when you configure workflows in Metadata Command Center.
Outcomes defined in each human task appear as actions of workflow tickets in Data Governance and Catalog. Define labels for all task outcomes. When you define labels, the label values appear as Task Actions. If you don't define labels for outcomes, the name of the outcome appears as a Task Action in workflow tickets. Outcome descriptions don't appear in workflow tickets.
    1Click the Outcomes tab.
    The following image shows the Outcomes tab: A Human Task with approve, reject, and return outcomes in the Outcomes tab.
    2Click + and add the outcomes that must appear in the Human Task Inbox of the Human Tasks service.

Step 5. Configuring display settings

On the Display Settings tab of the human task asset, you define the settings that the task uses in the Ticket Manager page. You can specify properties such as the display name for the task, task subject, and task description.
    1Click the Display Settings tab.
    The following image shows the Display Settings tab: A Human Task with the Display Settings tab.
    2Enter a name for the human task that the process generates. Optionally, you can use the Expression Editor to create the task name.
    3Enter the task subject that must appear on the Ticket Manager page. Optionally, you can use the Expression Editor to configure the subject. Configure the asset name as a dynamic parameter in the Subject field.
    The subject specified here appears in Data Governance and Catalog for the task created.
    4Optionally, enter the task description that must appear in the Ticket Manager page. You can use the Expression Editor to configure the description. Add descriptions for each human task if you want to show more details about the task on the Ticket Manager page in Data Governance and Catalog.
    Note: Guides are not certified for custom workflows. You can skip this option.