Organization Administration > Metering > Informatica processing unit metrics

Informatica processing unit metrics

If your organization has the Intelligent Cloud Data Management feature, your license is based on Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services usage.
An Informatica processing unit (IPU) is a unit of credit used to pre-pay for using Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services scalars such as Compute Units and Events Processed. You can monitor your IPU balance and usage on the Metering page.
The following image shows the metering dashboard for an account that's set up for monthly billing periods:
The Metering page shows IPU information in a dashboard. The Current IPU Usage panel shows the number of IPUs entitled to the organization, the number of IPUs consumed, the number of IPUs remaining, and an estimate of the days remaining before the IPU balance is depleted, based on the current consumption rate. The Current Billing Period to Date panel shows a table with IPU scalars and associated meters. The table has the following columns: Curent Consumption, Current Usage, Current IPU Rate, Previous Consumption, and Previous Usage.
Users with the Admin role receive notification through email when the organization crosses the 25, 50, 75, 95, and 100% IPU consumption thresholds.

Viewing IPU metrics

View IPU metrics on the Metering page. The Metering page displays IPU information in a dashboard view.
The dashboard shows IPU usage for the organization that you're logged in to and linked organizations such as sub-organizations, additional production organizations, and sandbox organizations.
You can also download reports from the Metering page. For more information about the data you can download, see IPU metrics reports.
Note: The Metering page displays IPU usage metrics that are rounded to three decimal places. The detailed download reports store exact metrics.

IPU billing periods

IPU billing periods can be on a monthly or annual basis. The Metering page for monthly billing is slightly different from the page for annual billing.

Monthly billing basis

If your billing period is on a monthly basis, you can view IPU information by billing periods. The metering dashboard includes the following panels:
Current IPU Usage
The Current IPU Usage panel includes the following information:
To view historical information on IPU consumption, click Historical View and select the number of billing periods to include.
Current Billing Period to Date
The Current Billing Period to Date panel includes the following information for most meters:
To view the details for a meter, click on the meter name. The details page shows the current usage by IPU and scalar, an historical usage graph that shows IPU usage for the selected number of billing periods, and detailed usage information by date.

Annual billing basis

If your billing period is on an annual basis, you can view IPU information by billing periods or by reporting periods, which are monthly. The metering dashboard includes the following panels:
IPU Usage
The IPU Usage panel includes the following information:
To view historical information on IPU consumption, click Historical View and select the number of reporting periods to include.
Current Billing Period to Date
The Current Billing Period to Date panel includes the following information for most meters:
To view the details for each meter, click the meter name. The details page shows the current usage by IPU and scalar, an historical usage graph that shows IPU and scalar usage for the selected number of reporting periods, and detailed IPU usage information by reporting period.

IPU metrics for multiple organizations

You can view IPU usage information for sub-organizations, sandbox organizations, and additional production organizations.
You can view the following information for organization meters on the metering dashboard in the Current Billing Period to Date panel:
Sandbox Organizations
Displays total IPU usage and consumption by scalar for the sandbox organizations directly linked to the organization that you're logged in to.
Includes a link to the details page, which shows details for each sandbox organization.
Sub Organizations
Displays total IPU usage and consumption by scalar for the sub-organizations directly linked to the organization that you're logged in to.
Includes a link to the details page, which shows details for each sub-organization.
Additional Production Organizations
Displays total IPU usage and consumption by scalar for the additional production organizations directly linked to the organization that you're logged in to.
Includes a link to the details page, which shows details for each additional production organization.
Associated Sub Organizations IPU Usage
When logged in to the production organization, displays total IPU usage for all sub-organizations of sandbox or additional production organizations, along with the rate of 6 IPUs per sub-organization.
For example, a production organization has two sandbox organizations and one additional production organization. The sandbox organizations and the additional production organization each have a sub-organization.
When you log in to the production organization, you can view the following metering information:
When you log in to one of the sandbox organizations, you can view the following metering information:
Note: A lag of up to 10 minutes might occur before a linked organization's first IPU usage of the day is reflected on the production organization's Metering page.

IPU scalars

IPUs are based on scalar values. Appropriate scalars are used for each service.
For example, Data Integration usage is measured by Compute Units, and Cloud Integration Hub usage is measured by Events Processed.
The following table lists the primary scalars and their unit of measure:
Scalar value
Unit of measure
API Calls
Million API calls
Number of custom API calls.
Compute Units
Processing capacity used or consumed.
Data Volume
Volume of data transferred, transformed, or incorporated.
Events Processed
Inbound and outbound instances of data accessing an intermediate storage layer.
Thousand queries
Number of queries submitted.
Records Stored
Number of records stored.
The value resets at the end of the billing period, rather than resetting daily.
Rows Processed
Million rows
Number of rows processed from underlying database logs.
Taskflow Runs
Number of taskflow runs.
Objects Processed
Thousand objects
Number of objects processed during assessment and conversion of PowerCenter assets to Cloud Data Integration assets.
Number of additional production organizations, sub-organizations, and sandbox organizations.
If you delete a sub-organization, this number includes the deleted sub-organization until the next billing period starts.
Qualified Usage
Qualified IPUs
Percentage of total IPUs used in your organizations that have enabled customer managed keys.
The value resets at the end of the billing period, rather than resetting daily.

IPU meters

IPU meters are the services and features included with Intelligent Cloud Data Management.
The following table lists the IPU meters and applicable scalars:
Scalar value
Address Verification
  • - Batch
  • - Geocoding
Rows Processed
Advanced Data Integration
Compute Units
Advanced Data Integration with Advanced Serverless
Compute Units
Advanced Data Quality
Compute Units
Advanced Data Quality with Advanced Serverless
Compute Units
Advanced Pushdown Optimization
Rows Processed
API Management
API Calls
Application Integration
Compute Units
Application Integration with Advanced Serverless
Compute Units
B2B Gateway
Compute Units
Cloud Data Integration for PowerCenter
Compute Units
Cloud Data Integration for PowerCenter - Change Data Capture
Rows Processed
Cloud Data Integration for PowerCenter - Push Down Optimization
Rows Processed
Customer Managed Keys
Qualified Usage
Data Access Management - Policy Pushdown
Daily Assets Stored
Data Access Management - Queries
API Calls
Data Access Management - Rows Processed
Rows Processed
Data Governance and Catalog - Catalog Records
Records Stored
Data Governance and Catalog - Governance Records
Records Stored
Data Governance and Catalog - Metadata Record Consumption
API Calls
Data Governance and Catalog - Catalog Source Execution
Compute Units
Data Governance and Catalog - Catalog Source Execution with Serverless
Compute Units
Data Integration
Compute Units
Data Integration with Advanced Serverless
Compute Units
Data Marketplace Records
Records Stored
Data Masking
Compute Units
Data Quality
Compute Units
Data Quality with Advanced Serverless
Compute Units
Industry Solutions
Compute Units
Compute Units
Integration Hub
Events Processed
Mass Ingestion Application (for Application Ingestion and Replication)
Data Volume
Mass Ingestion Applications - Change Data Capture (for Application Ingestion and Replication)
Rows Processed
Mass Ingestion Database (for Database Ingestion and Replication)
Data Volume
Mass Ingestion Database - Change Data Capture (for Database Ingestion and Replication)
Rows Processed
Mass Ingestion Files (for File Ingestion and Replication)
Data Volume
Mass Ingestion Streaming (for Streaming Ingestion and Replication)
Data Volume
MDM Data Ingestion and Replication (for Streaming Ingestion and Replication)
Data Volume
Model Serve
Compute Units
PC2CDI Modernization Service Assessment
Objects Processed
PC2CDI Modernization Service Conversion
Objects Processed
Additional Production Organizations
Sandbox Organizations
Sub Organizations
Taskflow Runs
Taskflow Runs
Associated Sub Organizations IPU Usage

IPU usage by asset location

The IPU Usage by Asset Metadata page shows the IPU usage data broken down by asset location.
You can view the usage data by project or by folder and choose a date range to view.
When you log in to the production organization, you can also see the usage by assets in sub-organizations of sandbox and additional production organizations. To view the project and folder data for a sub-organization, log in to that sub-organization.

IPU usage for disabled and deleted sub-organizations

Sub-organizations are counted in the Organizations scalar value for the Sub-organizations meter. Sub-organizations also consume IPUs based on other meters and scalar values.
Note the following rules regarding IPU consumption for disabled and deleted sub-organizations:
Disabled sub-organizations
When you disable a sub-organization, the sub-organization continues to consume IPUs for meters that use the following scalars:
Deleted sub-organizations
After Informatica Global Customer Support completes the deletion process for a sub-organization, the sub-organization consumes six IPUs in the current billing period and doesn't consume IPUs in subsequent billing periods. If you delete a sub-organization in Administrator but you don't open a ticket for Informatica Global Customer Support to complete the deletion process, then the sub-organization continues to be counted in the Organizations scalar value and continues to consume IPUs.
After a sub-organization is deleted, the parent organization's metering page continues to display the sub-organization's metering data in historical views.

IPU metrics reports

You can download a report that includes a summary of IPU usage, IPU usage by asset location, or a report that includes details for a particular meter.
You can download the following types of reports:
IPU usage summary report
The IPU usage summary report includes a summary of IPU usage for the production organization and its sub-organizations, additional production organizations, and sandbox organizations. The report includes data for the selected billing or reporting periods. The report includes the following data by month for each meter:
Download the IPU summary report from the IPU Usage History page.
IPU usage by location report
The IPU usage by location report includes IPU consumption in the selected billing or reporting periods by project or folder. In the production organization, the report also includes consumption by its sub-organizations, additional production organizations, and sandbox organizations. Download the IPU usage by location report from the IPU Usage by Asset Metadata page.
Table view report
The table view report includes the information that's currently shown in the table on an IPU meter's details page. The report includes only information from the organization that you're in when you request the data. Download a table view report from the overview tab of the IPU meter's details page.
Detailed service report
For some meters, you can download a report that includes service details for a specific date range. The report includes only information from the organization that you're in when you request the data. Download a detailed service report from the overview tab of the IPU meter's details page.
Asset breakdown report
The asset breakdown report includes the information that's shown on an IPU meter's asset breakdown tab. The report includes only information from the organization that you're in when you request the data. Download an asset breakdown report from the asset breakdown tab of the IPU meter's details page.
To download a report, click the Download icon. The following image shows the Download icon on the IPU Usage History page:
On the IPU History page, Last 3 Billing Periods is selected for the Date Range. The Download icon is next to the Date Range. Data for the last three billing periods is displayed.

Downloading an IPU usage summary report

Download a summary report from the IPU Usage History page.
    1On the Metering page, click Historical View.
    2Select the billing periods that you want to include in the report, up to the last 13 billing periods.
    3Click the Download icon.
    4Click Export.

Downloading an IPU usage by location report

Download an IPU usage by location report from the IPU Usage by Asset Metadata page.
    1On the Metering page, view the Current IPU Usage chart by project or by folder.
    2Click View Usage by Asset Metadata.
    The IPU Usage by Asset Metadata page opens.
    3Select whether you want to view data by project or folder.
    4Select the billing periods that you want to include in the report, up to the last 13 billing periods.
    5Click the Download icon.

Downloading an IPU meter report

Download a report for a specific meter on the meter's details page. You can download a report that's based on the overview table or the asset breakdown table. For some meters, you can download a detailed service report.
    1On the Metering page, in the Current Billing Period to Date area, click the meter name.
    2Navigate to the overview tab or the asset breakdown tab based on the type of report you want to download.
    3Select the billing periods that you want to include in the report.
    4Click the Download icon.
    5If the option to download a detailed service report is available, the Metering Usage Report dialog box appears when you click the Download icon. Perform one of the following tasks:

Data Integration detailed reports

Data Integration detailed reports provide metering usage details for jobs that your organization ran within a specified time period.
Detailed reports for Data Integration can include the following fields:
Task ID
Unique ID to identify the task.
Task Name
Name of the job.
Task Object Name
Name of the object used in the job.
Applicable to replication tasks and synchronization tasks.
Task Type
Type of task, for example mapping task or replication task.
Task Run ID
Run ID of the job.
Project Name
Project that contains the task.
Folder Name
Folder that contains the task. If the task is located directly under the project, this field is blank.
Org ID
Unique identifier for the organization.
Environment ID
Federated ID of the runtime environment.
Name of the runtime environment.
Cores Used
Number of cores used by the job.
Assigned SCU:
Requested serverless compute units.
Applicable to serverless reports.
Start Time
Time when the job was started. Uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
End Time
Time when the job was completed. Uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Status of the job.
Metered Value
Processed rows for change data capture and advanced pushdown optimization reports.
Consumed serverless compute units for serverless reports.
Consumed compute hours for all other reports.
Audit Time
Time when the task reported for metering.
OBM Task Time(s)
Actual process time.
Applicable to Salesforce OBMSG.

Setting up IPU consumption alerts

You can configure alerts within Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services or through email to notify you when your organization reaches a configured number of IPUs.
Organization administrators can choose to receive alerts when their organizations consume a configured number of IPUs. Production organizations can configure thresholds in the Organizations tab or the Tags tab. Sub-organizations only have access to view and configure their own sub-organization's IPU alerts and thresholds in the Tags tab. Only administrators receive consumption alerts.
    1On the Consumption Alerts tab of the Metering page, select Enable Organization Consumption Alerts to configure consumption alert metrics.
    2Choose how you want to set the threshold for alerts.
    If you decide to switch from one metric to the other, the previous consumption threshold values are removed and you'll need to enter new values. If you configure alerts using an absolute value, the number can't be higher than the number of IPUs you're entitled.
    3In the Consumption Threshold Value field, enter the number or percentage of consumed IPUs for which you want to receive alerts. These values are maintained for your reference even if you clear the Enable Consumption Alerts check box to turn off alerts.
    4You can configure alerts on the project or folder level in the Tags tab. The Tags tab displays the project and folders of the organization you're currently logged in to.
After you set up alerts, organization administrators receive alerts within the service and through email. You'll also continue to receive the standard alerts when your organization consumes 25, 50, 75, 95, and 100 percent of its IPUs in addition to your own configurations.
If you consume more IPUs than the values you configured in the IPU absolute value or IPU percentage value fields, the system doesn't send any more alerts until the next billing period.