Advanced Clusters > Setting up AWS > Step 4. Create user-defined security groups for Amazon EC2

Step 4. Create user-defined security groups for Amazon EC2

Create ELB, master, and worker security groups to fine-tune security settings in your AWS environment. Configure the appropriate inbound and outbound rules for each security group. After you complete these tasks, you can specify the security groups in an advanced configuration.
If you're looking for a quick setup, you can use the default security groups that the Secure Agent creates. For more information, see Use default security groups (alternative). You cannot mix and match default and user-defined security groups. For example, if you create a user-defined ELB security group, you must also create user-defined master and worker security groups.
For detailed instructions about how to create security groups for Amazon EC2, refer to the AWS documentation.

Create the ELB security group

The ELB security group defines the inbound rules between the Kubernetes API server and clients that are external to the advanced cluster. It also defines the outbound rules between the Kubernetes API server and cluster nodes. This security group is attached to the load balancer that the agent provisions for the advanced cluster.

Inbound rules

The inbound rules identify the nodes outside of the advanced cluster that can access the Kubernetes API server using HTTPS.
The inbound rules must allow the following traffic:
The following image shows the required inbound rules:
The ELB security group shows the inbound rules. Each inbound rule contains the security group rule, IP version, type, protocol, port number, source, and description.

Outbound rules

Use the default outbound rule to allow all outbound traffic.
You can restrict the destination of this rule, but the destination must include HTTPS traffic to all master nodes in the cluster.

Create the master security group

The master security group defines the inbound rules between the master nodes and the worker nodes in the advanced cluster, the ELB security group, and the Secure Agent. It also defines outbound rules to other nodes. This security group is attached to all master nodes in the cluster.

Inbound rules

Inbound rules must allow the following traffic:
When you create and use a user-defined master security group, the Secure Agent ignores the following default rules for SSH access from outside the cluster:
The following image shows the required inbound rules:
The master security group shows five inbound rules. Each inbound rule contains the security group rule, IP version, type, protocol, port number, source, and description.

Outbound rules

Use the default outbound rule to allow all outbound traffic.
Outbound traffic from the master node can include the other master nodes; the ELB security group; worker nodes; Secure Agents; other managed services on AWS such Amazon S3, EC2, and IAM; other storage services; and other public services.

Create the worker security group

The worker security group defines the inbound and outbound rules between worker nodes in the advanced cluster and other nodes. This security group is attached to all worker nodes in the cluster.

Inbound rules

Inbound rules must allow the following traffic:
The following image shows the required inbound rules:
The worker security group shows four inbound rules. The first inbound rule is All traffic with protocol (All), port range (All), and the source is the master security group ID (sg-0b4f93297a739d4b3). The second inbound rule is SSH with IP version (IPv4), protocol (TCP), port range (22), and the source is the IP address of the Secure Agent machine. The third inbound rule is HTTPS with protocol (TCP), port range (443), and the source is the ELB security group ID (sg-033b65c92bf0bc892). The fourth inbound rule is All traffic with protocol (All), port range (All), and the source is the worker security group ID (sg-06a5d3ae543a983a).

Outbound rules

Use the default outbound rule to allow all outbound traffic.
Outbound traffic from worker nodes can include the ELB security group; master nodes; other worker nodes; the Secure Agent; other managed services on AWS such as Amazon S3, EC2, and IAM; other storage services; and other public services. Additionally, the outbound rules must allow advanced jobs to communicate with data sources, such as Redshift and Snowflake databases, and external services, such as REST endpoints that the Secure Agent exposes.

Use default security groups (alternative)

When the Secure Agent creates an advanced cluster, it can generate a default ELB security group, master security group, and worker security group. These default security groups define communication guidelines between Kubernetes clients, the API server, master nodes, worker nodes, and other services.
To allow the Secure Agent to generate the default security groups, the cluster operator policy for the cluster operator role requires the following permissions:
For more information about the cluster operator role and the cluster operator policy, see Step 7. Create IAM roles.