You can configure business entity properties that suit your business requirements.
The following table describes the business entity properties:
Display Name
Required. Name of the business entity.
Note: Ensure that you don't use the name of the predefined business entities or the reserved keyword xrefLinks in the display name.
Internal ID
Required. A unique business entity identifier, which is generated based on the display name that you enter. You can't change the internal ID after you create the business entity.
Note: Ensure that you don't use the name of the predefined business entities or the reserved keyword xrefLinks in the internal ID.
Optional. A description of the business entity.
Required. Project or folder within which you want to save the business entity.
Optional. Icon to represent the business entity for easy identification.
Error Remediation
Optional. Indicates whether you can create records with validation errors in real time through REST API or the user interface.
To enable error remediation for a business entity that contains records, purge the existing data because you can't revalidate the existing records in bulk.
When you enable error remediation, MDM SaaS tags records with validation statuses and makes these records searchable. Also, the search results page includes the validation status filter that you can use to filter search results by validation status, errors, and error types.
When error remediation isn't enabled, you can ingress records with errors through batch jobs and file import. However, the records aren’t tagged with a validation status, and the search results page doesn’t include the validation status filter.
Note: By default, the user interface displays the field group associated with error remediation for business entities irrespective of whether error remediation is enabled or disabled. When you enable error remediation, the field group displays the validation errors of fields. When you disable error remediation, the field group doesn't display any validation errors.
When you update a data quality rule association, MDM SaaS doesn't reprocess the existing records to apply the updated data quality rule association. To apply the updated rule association, edit the record.
Business ID Format
Required. Format for business IDs that MDM SaaS generates for records.
For more information about the business ID format, see Business ID format.
Business ID format
Business IDs are unique identifiers of records that belong to a business entity. When a record is created, MDM SaaS assigns a business ID to the record in the specified format.
You can select one of the following formats:
•Alphanumeric. Use 14 to 24 characters, starting with a prefix that consists of three characters. The prefix can contain uppercase letters and numbers. For example, P8X4AB78YU2WE2.
•Numeric. Use 15 to 24 numbers including a prefix of three numbers. For example, 999456789222123. You can enter an offset value. The business ID of records created starts at the offset value, excluding the prefix. For example, with an offset value of 100000 and a prefix of 999, the starting business ID is 999000000100000. Records with the prefix 999 are ingressed if their business IDs are below the offset value and rejected if they are equal to or above it.
Business IDs are generated in a non-linear sequential order. For example, if you have configured the format of the business ID as numeric, length as 15 numbers, and a prefix as 999, 999000000000001 is the business ID generated for a record. MDM SaaS might assign the next business ID as 999000000000012.
Before you set the business ID format for a business entity that contains records, you must purge all of its records. After a data purge, you can reuse the business IDs of the purged records. Ensure that the business IDs are lower than the last generated business ID. For example, if 999000000008899 was the last generated business ID before the data purge, you can ingress records with business IDs lower than the last sequence number 8899, such as 999000000007755.
When you set the business ID format for a business entity, you can now preview it to understand how a business ID appears.
The following image shows the business ID configuration of a business entity:
Note: When you specify a custom business ID for records that you create through an ingress job or API, ensure that its length doesn't match the length that the business entity uses for the business ID format. For example, if you specified 111 as the prefix and 15 as the length in the business ID format for a business entity, ensure that you don't use 111560000800000 as a custom business ID. However, you can use a custom business ID with a prefix of 111 but with a different length.