After you import the assets for the source systems that you plan to use, import reference data code values in bulk from CSV files into reference data assets.
The following table describes the files and folders in the extracted reference data directory:
File or Folder Name
The folder that contains the code values folder with the name _1.
Life Sciences
The folder that contains the lookup code values folders.
Lookup code values are in the following folders:
- _1. Contains the parent lookup code values.
- _2. Contains the child lookup code values.
- Crosswalk. Contains the reference data set crosswalks.
Python script to import reference data.
The following table lists the reference data assets and the corresponding code lists, crosswalks, and crosswalk location:
Reference Data Asset
Code List
Crosswalk Location
AlternateIdType-Nppes AlternateIdType
AlternateIdType-Nppes AlternateIdType to Enterprise AlternateIdType