Material 360 > Material 360 assets > Business process workflow

Business process workflow

You can use the business process workflow to streamline processes that involve multiple predefined user roles.Material 360 includes a sample workflow that orchestrates the approval process to create and update material records.
The extension also includes predefined business events to trigger the sample workflow when users create or update a material record.
Based on your business requirements, use different workflows for different material properties. For example, you can create different workflows for semi-finished goods, finished goods, industry sector, and any material type.

Predefined user roles

Material 360 includes multiple predefined user roles to create, update, and review material records.
The following table describes the predefined user roles that the Material business entity includes:
Role Name
Material Requester
Role for creating, editing, and deleting data in material records that go through the approval process.
Material Purchase Expert
Role for reviewing and editing purchase data in material records.
Material Purchase Approver
Role for editing and reviewing material records that the purchase expert approves.
Material Final Reviewer
Role for reviewing material records that the purchase approver approves.

Sample workflow to create material records

Material 360 includes a sample workflow to create a material record.
When a requester creates a material record, the record is sent to a purchase expert for reviewing the material purchase data. If the purchase expert finds that the record information is incorrect or inadequate, the purchase expert can send the record back to the requester. If the purchase expert approves the record, the record goes to the purchase approver. If the purchase approver approves the record, the record is sent to the final reviewer. After the final reviewer approves the record, the record is created and is active in MDM SaaS.
The following image shows the approval process that the sample workflow uses:
The image displays the business process workflow to create a material record. When a requester submits a request to create a material record, the purchase expert adds basic and purchase material data. After the purchase expert submits for approval, the purchase approver reviews the material data and approves. When the purchase approver send for approval to final reviewer, the final reviewer reviews and approves to create a material record.

Sample workflow to update a material record

Material 360 includes a sample workflow to update a material record.
When a requester updates a material record, the record is sent to a purchase approver to review the material purchase data. If the purchase approver finds that the record information is incorrect or inadequate, the purchase approver can send the record back to the requester. If the purchase approver approves the record, the record is sent to the final reviewer. After the final reviewer approves the record, the record is created and is active in MDM SaaS.
The following image shows the approval process that the sample workflow uses:
The image shows the business process workflow to update a material record. When a requester submits a request to update a material record, the purchase approver reviews the material data and sends approval to the final reviewer. The final reviewer approves and updates a material record.