Getting started with CLAIRE Copilot
Enable CLAIRE generative AI services
Open CLAIRE Copilot
Start a conversation
Create an asset
Summarize an asset
Leave feedback
Clear conversation memory
Using CLAIRE Copilot with Data Integration
Sample prompts for mappings
Using CLAIRE Copilot with Data Ingestion and Replication
Sample prompts for ingestion and replication tasks
Database Ingestion and Replication examples of creating a task
Example: Database ingestion combined load of SQL Server data to Snowflake
Example: Database ingestion initial load of PostgreSQL data to Amazon S3
Application Ingestion and Replication examples of creating a task
Example: Application ingestion initial load of Workday data to Snowflake
Example: Application ingestion incremental load of Salesforce data to Snowflake
Getting started with CLAIRE Copilot
Application Ingestion and Replication examples of creating a task