Reference 360 > Reference 360 REST API > Asset IDs

Asset IDs

Each asset has an unique identifier. Some Reference 360 REST APIs require you to specify the ID of the asset. You can identify the ID of an asset in Reference 360 or by using REST APIs.

Reference 360

In Reference 360, the ID of an asset appears in the URL when you open a reference data set, code list, crosswalk, or hierarchy.
When you open an asset, you see the following URL format:<asset type>/<asset ID>/edit
For example, the asset ID for the following code list is 5d38987dbc49de0001113db3:


The following table describes the REST APIs that you can use to identify the ID of an asset:
List reference data sets
Retrieves a list of reference data sets with their ID.
With the ID of a reference data set, you can use the List code lists REST API to retrieve a list of code lists.
List code lists
Retrieves a list of code lists with their IDs for the specified reference data set.
With the ID of a code list, you can use the List crosswalks REST API to retrieve a list of crosswalks.
List crosswalks
Retrieves a list of crosswalks associated with the code list and the ID of each crosswalk.
List hierarchies
Retrieves a list of hierarchies with their ID.