Reference 360 > Manage crosswalks > Exporting value mappings of crosswalks

Exporting value mappings of crosswalks

Export value mappings of all crosswalks or any selected crosswalk of a code list to a CSV file.
    1Open a code list.
    2Click Crosswalk > Export Mappings.
    The Export dialog box appears with a warning message indicating that you check the formatting of the exported file.
    3In the General section, enter a file name.
    4In the Crosswalk section, specify the crosswalks to export.
    1. a Select the direction of crosswalks that you plan to export.
    2. bSelect the crosswalks that you plan to export, or click Select All.
    5Optionally, in the Advanced Export Format section, configure the format for the exported data.
    The following table describes the properties for the exported data:
    Character Encoding
    Mapping of the characters from a language or group of languages to hexadecimal code.
    The supported value is UTF-8.
    Character used to separate the crosswalks.
    You can use the following delimiters:
    • - Asterisk (*)
    • - Circumflex (^)
    • - Colon (:)
    • - Comma (,)
    • - Pipe (|)
    • - Section (§)
    • - Semicolon (;)
    • - Space
    • - Tab
    Mapping Delimiter
    Character used to separate the value mappings.
    You can use the following mapping delimiters:
    • - Asterisk (*)
    • - Circumflex (^)
    • - Colon (:)
    • - Comma (,)
    • - HYPHEN (-)
    • - Pipe (|)
    • - Section (§)
    • - Semicolon (;)
    • - Space
    • - Tab
    6Click Export.