Reference 360 > Manage code lists

Manage code lists

Code lists contain a set of code values that you create or import from a source application. You create code lists in reference data sets. A code list inherits its structure definition and attributes from the reference data set.
Later, you can create crosswalks to map code values in a pair of code lists. Crosswalks provide a way to translate between the different code values each application uses for a business term.
You can create validation rules for attributes in code lists to ensure that code values meet your business standards. For example, in the Country Codes code list, you might want the Code attribute for code values to require a minimum of three characters.
You can view the history of code values in code lists. Use the historical data to track the detailed changes made to code lists.
You can view the code values that existed in a code list at a point in time in the past. For example, you can view the code values that existed in the Enterprise Country code list on October 2022.
Note: Reference 360 displays the code values that are available in the database at a point in time in the past.
If you no longer need a code list, you can delete the code list. When you delete a code list, the code list and its code values are removed from Reference 360. You cannot delete a code list that is used in a picklist field of a business entity in a business application, such as Customer 360.
For more information about code lists, see Code lists.