All reference data in Reference 360 is categorized under reference data sets. You create a reference data set to contain a category of reference data, such as country codes or currency codes. In a reference data set, you create code lists. Code lists contain code values from an application.
For example, you create a Country Codes reference data set to categorize the country codes reference data in your organization. In the reference data set, you create a Sales Country Codes code list and a Marketing Country Codes code list. In the Sales Country Codes code list, you create or import country code values used in your organization's sales application. In the Marketing Country Codes code list, you create or import country code values used in your organization's marketing application.
When you create a reference data set, you define the definition and attributes. Later, when you create code lists, the code lists inherit the structure definition and attributes of the reference data set.
If you no longer need a reference data set, you can delete the reference data set.