Reference 360 > Manage jobs > Monitoring Reference 360 Draft jobs

Monitoring Reference 360 Draft jobs

The Reference 360 draft job is a system-generated job that runs when you import large number of code values to a draft code list and publish or discard the draft code list. The code list is locked when the job is triggered.
After you run an Reference 360 draft job, you can monitor and view the job details on the My Jobs page.
The Reference 360 draft job includes the following steps:

Commit Changelist

The commit changelist step commits large code value changes to a draft code list. After the step is complete, the state of the code list changes to unlocked.
The following table describes the metrics that you can view for the commit changelist step:
Total Records
The total number of code values that the commit changelist step processed.
Error Records
The number of code values that failed to commit changes to the draft code list.
Success Records
The number of code values that committed changes to the draft code list and moved to the history step.
Starting Records for Asset
The total number of code values that the commit changelist step processed for a specific asset, such as code list.

History, Publish Events

The history step generates the history feed for the imported code values in the code list.
The following table describes the metrics that you can view in the history, publish events step:
Total Records
The total number of code values tha the history step processed.
Error Records
The number of code values that failed to generate the history feed.
Success Records
The number of code values that generated the history feed and moved to the index for search step.
Starting Records for Asset
The total number of code values that the history step processed for a specific asset, such as code list.

Index for Search

The index for search step indexes the code values for search.
The following table describes the metrics that you can view for the index for search step:
Total Records
The total number of code values that the index for search step processed.
Error Records
The number of code values that weren't indexed.
Success Records
The number of code values that were indexed and moved to the next step.
Starting Records for Asset
The total number of code values that the step processed for a specific asset, such as code list.

Generate Tokens

The generate tokens step isn't applicable for Reference 360 and is reserved for future use.