Data Marketplace User Guide > User Profiles and Tasks > Data Owner

Data Owner

When the Data Marketplace Administrator publishes data sets from Axon Data Governance to the Data Marketplace, all the stakeholders for the data sets become the data owners for the data collections. The stakeholders make the data available for other Axon users who might need the data to make business decisions. Typically, the data owner is a data steward who onboards data sets to Axon, manages the data assets inventory, and defines the quality of the data asset.
Icon of the data owner
For example, if the data steward of the HR team in an organization is a stakeholder for the employee hire date data sets to the Data Marketplace, the data steward is a data owner.

I am a Data Owner. What can I do?

The following table lists the tasks that a data owner can do:
Connect a data set to policies via systems and glossaries
See the Connect Objects topic in the Create and Edit chapter of the Axon Data Governance 7.0 User Guide.
Prepare a data set in Axon Data Governance for publishing to the Data Marketplace
View a data collection that is published from Axon Data Governance to the Data Marketplace
Assign delivery targets for a data collection
Modify the properties of a data collection
View access requests to a data collection
Approve or reject access requests to a data collection
Request to revoke access to a data collection