User Guide > Dashboards and Widgets > Add a Widget

Add a Widget

You can add widgets to a dashboard to display the results of saved Unison searches. Instead of running a saved Unison search every time, you can add the search as a widget to quickly look at the search results in the dashboard. You can also add a text widget that you can use as a note or reminder.
To add a saved search widget to a dashboard, you must create and save a Unison search. For more information on saving searches, see Saving and Sharing Searches.
    1. In the Axon home page, go to the dashboard where you want to add a widget.
    2. Click the Actions menu, and select New Widget.
    The New Widget dialog box opens.
    3. In the Widget Source field, specify whether you want the widget to display a saved Unison Search result or free text.
    4. If you selected the Saved Search option in the Widget Source field, enter the following properties of the widget:
    Saved Unison search for which you want to see the results in the widget.
    Facet in the Unison search result for which you want to see the data in the widget.
    Title for the widget.
    Description of the widget.
    Visualize As
    Specify whether you want the data in the widget to appear as a doughnut chart, bar chart, number count, or table.
    Visualize By
    Column in the Unison search result for which you want to see the data in the widget.
    Click to see a preview of the widget.
    The following image shows the properties of a sample saved search:
    New widget dialog box, with properties of a saved search
    5. If you selected the Text option in the Widget Source field, enter the following properties of the widget:
    Title for the widget.
    Description of the widget
    Free text box
    Enter the text that you want to display in the widget.
    The following image shows the properties of a sample free text:
    New widget dialog box, with properties of free text
    6. To save the widget, click OK.
The widget appears in the dashboard.